If I start to record something, but then change my mind and stop it, although it's no longer recording it still shows red dots in both the Guide and Daily Schedule. I thought this was just an appearance bug since I'm not recording anything so I reset the Hopper to see if it would remove the dots. Immediately after restart it resumed recording. I had to stop the unwanted recording again! To get rid of this, I have to wait until the show's time has elapsed and it is gone from the Daily Schedule and Guide or delete the timer event.
It's just pathetic that even with three tuners I still have to miss shows which I'm capable of recording. I was trying to catch all of the Ink Master Season One marathon today and already into the second episode, the Hopper goes out for a second splitting the episode into two recordings, which is typical of the aftermath of an STB Reboot. Until today I hadn't experienced any instability with S338. However, the Daily Schedule doesn't give the reason as an STB Reboot. In fact, there's no record of it at all.