In my experience almost every night, My HopperWS ALWAYS asks if I want to allow a shut down. In the instances I have selected NO, it does not reboot, even if it contiunes to ask me each following hour, and I choose "No" it won't reboot, and then by some time around 4AM, it won't ask again until 1AM the following morning. The same is true of my Joeys.
In fact, it is a problem that one person in our household continually denies the HopperWS to reboot. I don't think their HWS gets a reboot but once a week.
Yes, OP, it is a pain, and Dish should be addressing this. I agree, because if one is not in the room when the prompt asks for option to reboot, it does so very soon after. This can be really, really annoying.
As for the option of a bigger font, that is supposed to be an option when all the Hoppers and HWS's are upgraded to the new Carbon UI.