This Hopper software upgrade/update/upurhiney thing is getting old. I have been putting up with it, since I don't really watch much.....some college football and some weekly programs. I recorded almost everything during the election process, to miss the ads, and that worked pretty well, as I lost no recordings, that I know of. I dislike the fact, the Hopper loses audio when searching. Sometimes, it just locks up, if I try to find, or go back to, or replay somehing in a program. Reboot mandatory. Lately, it's been just rebooting to p*** me off, I'm sure. I doubt it's hot, as the house is now cooler in fall/winter. The wife is now retired, so the house is cleaner than it's ever been....can't be dust/dirt in the cabinet. When it gets more than 3 times a day, I'll try for an exchange. I posted elsewhere about the OTA channels dssappearing EVERY day, and have to be rescanned. Waste of $30. Ain't technology great?? My "old" 922 was just soooo much better. Shudda just got half dozen of them.