Hopper S217 Feedback

Like syphix, my setup has been very much stable since I turned off bridging on the Hopper (the only source of internet). I will try enabling it again when I have nothing scheduled for recording to see if bridging was the cause of all my issues.
Dudleydog73 said:
Like syphix, my setup has been very much stable since I turned off bridging on the Hopper (the only source of internet).
To clarify, I removed ALL internet from my Hopper, along with unplugging the Sling Adaptor.
I'm starting to suspect that my Sling Adapter is to blame. I plugged it back in yesterday, and it locked up less than 24 hours later. Just got my replacement Hopper, and my wife is PISSED that I'm going to activate it when she hasn't watched her shows on the "bad" Hopper. I'm starting to REALLY regret jumping the D* ship for Dish...
I'm starting to suspect that my Sling Adapter is to blame. I plugged it back in yesterday, and it locked up less than 24 hours later. Just got my replacement Hopper, and my wife is PISSED that I'm going to activate it when she hasn't watched her shows on the "bad" Hopper. I'm starting to REALLY regret jumping the D* ship for Dish...

Hmm you for sure it's the Sling Adapter?? So I take it everything works fine when it's not plugged in??
Just got my replacement Hopper, and my wife is PISSED that I'm going to activate it when she hasn't watched her shows on the "bad" Hopper. I'm starting to REALLY regret jumping the D* ship for Dish...

Get an EHD and save the shows off.
Poke said:
Hmm you for sure it's the Sling Adapter?? So I take it everything works fine when it's not plugged in??

I'm not sure WHAT it is. I only know the DVR seemed rather stable with the Sling unplugged. Then locked up within the first 24 hours of it being connected. I'm going to leave it unplugged on the new Hopper....for now.
Ok...so explain this: on my replacement Hopper, I have transferred back only 9 shows (mostly SD, mostly 30 minutes long), yet my DVR shows 39% full, with PTAT enabled (yet empty).. On the old Hopper, I had many other recordings, mostly HD and longer than an hour (some movies), and only showed 20% full (with PTAT enabled and full).

Huh???? How can I be 39% full with only 9 recordings???? It's showing 769 GB free, even though those transferred back recordings were MUCH smaller than 462 GB (hell, the EHD was only 300 GB!). What's taking up my space????
My Hopper/3 joeys worked well when first insalled several weeks ago. NOw, with the latest upgrade in software, The Hopper has Been "dead" three times, when trying to turn it on. No response from any remotes. Had to do a hard reset. Joeys are hit or miss, that is, when trying to change channels, get a blank screen for anywhere up to 3-4 minutes, then things kinda return to normal - for awhile. Happend 3 times yesterday, on the same Joey. Other Joeys haven';t been turned on lately. (only two of us).
My Hopper/3 joeys worked well when first insalled several weeks ago. NOw, with the latest upgrade in software, The Hopper has Been "dead" three times, when trying to turn it on. No response from any remotes. Had to do a hard reset. Joeys are hit or miss, that is, when trying to change channels, get a blank screen for anywhere up to 3-4 minutes, then things kinda return to normal - for awhile. Happend 3 times yesterday, on the same Joey. Other Joeys haven';t been turned on lately. (only two of us).
doesn't sound normal and seems very similar to when you first were installed: http://www.satelliteguys.us/hopper-zone/282912-hopper-freeze-reboot.html#post2863607

i'd doublecheck the installation and make sure it's following the wiring diagrams: http://www.satelliteguys.us/hopper-zone/279755-hopper-joey-wiring-diagrams.html
Commercial hopping no longer works for me since the update. First few breaks it takes over 5 seconds to kick in. After 2-3 breaks it starts skipping 20 minutes at a time. It's done it on every show I've watched this week.
I've had this happen to me when I either received S212 or S213. I missed a whole night of recordings because I was away and was unaware that my hopper had locked up. I assumed it was because of an upgrade because the other Hopper was upgraded the same night my Hopper locked up.

Just returned from a 10 day business trip... and one Hopper was working on 217, the "her's" unit. My Hopper was locked up hard and required a reset to get it going. It cycled about 5 times until it actually started and gave the message to "wait while the receiver is programmed. DON'T UNPLUG" I thought it was toast, along with ~400 recordings that were on there. When it was operating again, it had the previous HD content but didn't record anything from early Friday am. That was about the same time the other Hopper loaded and went to 217.

Why??? Working well now though.

I had an issue today using a Joey in the kitchen. (I didn't look at the software version) but I was linked to my cousins hopper and was playing media from my hopper and the guide data for the DVR event would vanish and be replaced with No Information Available/channel #9610 and even though I was playing a DVR event from SYFY the logo on the progress bar when you pause video displayed an HDNet Movies logo. I fixed this by unlinking from my cousins hopper and linking to my hopper directly instead of being linked to his and using hopper to hopper to view the show I wanted to watch.
Commercial hopping no longer works for me since the update. First few breaks it takes over 5 seconds to kick in. After 2-3 breaks it starts skipping 20 minutes at a time. It's done it on every show I've watched this week.
Same, except for the 20 minute skip. I just press the skip ahead button once and then auto hop takes over and does what it's supposed to. Hopefully the next update will fix this.
My Hopper/3 joeys worked well when first insalled several weeks ago. NOw, with the latest upgrade in software, The Hopper has Been "dead" three times, when trying to turn it on. No response from any remotes. Had to do a hard reset.
Yup. Happened twice already with 217. Happened a couple of times after 213, as well.

doesn't sound normal and seems very similar to when you first were installed: http://www.satelliteguys.us/hopper-zone/282912-hopper-freeze-reboot.html#post2863607

i'd doublecheck the installation and make sure it's following the wiring diagrams: http://www.satelliteguys.us/hopper-zone/279755-hopper-joey-wiring-diagrams.html
Doubtful. Too many people are reporting this issue, which is different from freeze and reboot described in that thread. I know, as I used to have that type of freeze and reboot with one or two of the earlier SW versions, myself.

I've had this happen to me when I either received S212 or S213. I missed a whole night of recordings because I was away and was unaware that my hopper had locked up. I assumed it was because of an upgrade because the other Hopper was upgraded the same night my Hopper locked up.
Yup. Kind of annoying. One time when mine was locked up, the red recording LED was lit, so I had no idea anything was amiss.
syphix said:
Ok...so explain this: on my replacement Hopper, I have transferred back only 9 shows (mostly SD, mostly 30 minutes long), yet my DVR shows 39% full, with PTAT enabled (yet empty).. On the old Hopper, I had many other recordings, mostly HD and longer than an hour (some movies), and only showed 20% full (with PTAT enabled and full).

Huh???? How can I be 39% full with only 9 recordings???? It's showing 769 GB free, even though those transferred back recordings were MUCH smaller than 462 GB (hell, the EHD was only 300 GB!). What's taking up my space????

Ok...this is getting weird. Now my Hopper shows 33% full, with only two 30 minute recordings. What's going on??
I keep getting black screens on the two joeys connected to my hopper since 217. I have to do a power button reboot on them ,just to watch tv. Very annoying.
Commercial hopping no longer works for me since the update. First few breaks it takes over 5 seconds to kick in. After 2-3 breaks it starts skipping 20 minutes at a time. It's done it on every show I've watched this week.

I have had this exact problem - I am now just not using Autohop. Hopefully it gets fixed in the next update.
If you have PTAT enabled it is now part of the percentage.
I do, but if you read my other posts, on my OLD Hopper, I only was 20% full, with PTAT enabled and 8 days full!

Besides, PTAT only takes up about 7%.

And now, according to my wife, it's showing 30% full, with 5 recordings. What???

Transferring programs from DVR to PC

Dish dispute with Sinclair...reached deal in principle

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