Since the software updates went in on June 28th for my Hopper and Joeys they won't stay connected/linked. The Hoppers are working fine but all 3 of my Joeys keep unlinking. I have S213 in both Hoppers and S265 in all 3 Joeys. I have COAX and Ethernet Internet on one Hopper and COAX and Wireless Internet on the other Hopper. COAX only on all Joeys. I have done at least a dozen resets. Trying a hard reset on both Hoppers right now. Everything is working for now so we will see how long that lasts. I have no other issues other the the linking between the Hoppers and Joeys. Has anyone got any suggestions?
Hi Everyone,
I dont have any suggestions for you Curt but i have similar problem....
My hopper keeps dropping internet connection. It only does it when i look through BB@H. I will be looking around to see what is on and then i will get "you have to be connected to the internet" in order to use this feature. I have them all hard wired in. no wireless. I end having to do a soft reset in order for it to recognize my connection. It did this yesterday. I checked my router to see if my connection dropped and it did not......i dont know whats going on.
Another issue i keep seeing is random pixelation and sound drops during the pixelation on my recordings from from the hopper. It starts out as a frozen screen then starts from the sides pixelating and then catchs back up with current content. I can rewind it and it does it again in same spot.........weird!!