Hopper S213 Feedback and Issues

I have figured out my Hopper/Joey network issues (at least I think I have)

Previously, I had one hopper connected to my network via ethernet and the other connected via the netgear wireless adapter. The joey's only had RG6.

I looked up the MAC addresses of each MoCA adapter and set a static IP mapping for all of them and I disconnected the netgear wireless adapter from the appropriate hopper.

I now have internet access across all of my Hoppers/Joeys. Both Hoppers have sling adapters and I can view them from online without any issues. So far, the Joey's have also not had any issues with keeping MoCA connectivity.

I think the connection issues stem from the fact that the MoCA DHCP/IP address assignment is now done by the router on your local network and not the hopper. If packets are lost or the connection is broken (for whatever reason), the joey has issues getting a new IP assigned and therefore drops video/audio.

I'll see how the network is doing 24 hours from now

For those who have the HIC, congratulations you now have a paperweight.

Im having a similar issue with single hopper and Joey dropping video and requesting new ips from router's dhcp server.

How did you get the hopper and Joey to use a static ip? I assigned reserved ip addresses to their Mac address but they only get them the first time and keep requesting new ones via dhcp. There seems to be no way to make them static.
How did you get the hopper and Joey to use a static ip? I assigned reserved ip addresses to their Mac address but they only get them the first time and keep requesting new ones via dhcp. There seems to be no way to make them static.

I'm not DBS Commando, but I use my mac for the DHCP server which works fine.

It shouldn't matter if static/reserved DHCP is properly implemented on the router. A static/reserved address is supposed to always be allocated to that MAC. Does the static/reserved address work on other devices?

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I'm not DBS Commando, but I use my mac for the DHCP server which works fine.

It shouldn't matter if static/reserved DHCP is properly implemented on the router. A static/reserved address is supposed to always be allocated to that MAC. Does the static/reserved address work on other devices?

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2

I also use static DHCP assignments on my home network based on the MAC address, and have no problems with the Hoppers/Joeys being able to get their addresses correctly. Do note however that the Hopper (before 213 software) has a different unique MAC address for each interface, i.e. the coax connector and each of the ethernet jacks. You will have to make sure you put the correct MAC address in the DHCP server. You can see these addresses if you go into the Broadband menu screen and use the little pulldown list at the top. You should see "MOCA", "Top Ethernet", "Bottom Ethernet", and "Wireless" in the list. If you use a USB WiFi dongle, that would of course have its own unique MAC address too.

After the 213 software update, the Hopper now bridges the MOCA interface together with the two ethernet interfaces, so there is only one MAC address for the three of those. I don't know if it also bridges the USB WiFi dongle - I don't use them in my setup.

The Joeys also have a similar issue. They have unique MAC addresses for coax, ethernet, and USB WiFi. You can see them in the Broadband menu same as mentioned above on a Hopper. Just make sure you put the right MAC address in the DHCP server for the interface you're trying to use and DHCP should work fine.
Hate to sound like a whiner, but I am now also having the problem some others have reported where recordings transferred from an EHD onto the Hopper's hard drive cannot be watched. I backed up a ton of stuff from my old 622 onto an EHD before the Hopper install. Fortunately, I only transferred a few things from the EHD to the Hopper. I have no trouble watching recordings directly from the EHD, but anything I transferred to the Hopper seems to be toast. They show the correct info in the list of recordings, but if you try to watch one, it just immediately pops back to the screen you get when you press "Stop" (the one with the three buttons for "Delete", "DVR", and "Live TV").
The only issue that I've noticed is that AutoHop is just not working when watching a PTAT episode from a remote Hopper, even thought the episode is marked with the AutoHop symbol and I'm asked if I want to AutoHop. It works fine when viewing from the local Hopper, just not when viewing from a remote Hopper.
Only problem I can report is losing one recorded program. TNT had a "Dallas" marathan and we did record all episodes thru 5. Episode 6 was recorded Wednesday night and I saw that we had all six episodes that night, but when we watched episode 6 Thursday night I noticed that episode 4 was missing. I am sure that it was listed before we watched episode 6 but missing the next night.

Other than this so far I am happy with our Hopper and single Joey system - knock on wood.
Only problem I can report is losing one recorded program. TNT had a "Dallas" marathan and we did record all episodes thru 5. Episode 6 was recorded Wednesday night and I saw that we had all six episodes that night, but when we watched episode 6 Thursday night I noticed that episode 4 was missing. I am sure that it was listed before we watched episode 6 but missing the next night.

Other than this so far I am happy with our Hopper and single Joey system - knock on wood.

I've also had two recordings that are missing for no reason. Pixar's Cars that was from PTAT saved to the DVR and a Thomas & Friends PBS episode.
You are NOT missing anything. There have only been 5 episodes of the new Dallas. There is currently no episode with the number 4. They have 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6.
Only problem I can report is losing one recorded program. TNT had a "Dallas" marathan and we did record all episodes thru 5. Episode 6 was recorded Wednesday night and I saw that we had all six episodes that night, but when we watched episode 6 Thursday night I noticed that episode 4 was missing. I am sure that it was listed before we watched episode 6 but missing the next night.

Other than this so far I am happy with our Hopper and single Joey system - knock on wood.
We have 1 hopper and Two joeys. Everything is connected via ethernet and coax, however, one joey is on a different router than the hopper. This posed no problem before this latest update, however, now it searches for a signal every 20 minutes or so.

My wife is still pissed. I guess I could buy a switch for the bedroom instead of plugging it into the wireless router in there, but it is really frustrating.
I have 2 hoppers, and 4 Joeys. The 2 Hoppers are all connected to my home network via wired ethernet.
The 4 Joeys are only connected via coax.
I also have 2 NAS boxes connected to my home network, and I am able to watch and view all my movies/pictures/music that I have on the NAS boxes on EVERY TV in my house, without issue.
I also have a Sling adapter on one of my Hoppers, and am able to view anything I want on my cell phone/tablet/computer.

I use gigabyte switches and connections everywhere I possibly can on my network, so I am not sure if the speed of the data transmission via the networked devices makes any difference. My Internet is Comcast business Class 22/5, which might make a difference as well...Do any of the folks having issues have internet speeds this fast, faster, or slower?? Maybe that has some effect on how smoothly the network works..

To me, its a MAJOR upgrade from my 722k/222k's that I had before, and I am really pleased with my "upgrade" so far, after a few weeks...
I have 2 hoppers & 3 joeys and was experiencing much of the same issues people were reporting on here. I also had a tech come out and he replaced the dish node switch and 1 hopper, but I was still having the issues. I noticed in this thread that it was mentioned that multiple network connections could be the culprit, so I did the following:

I removed one of the wireless adapters and the powerline broadband adapter dish installed when I had my 722. I then unplugged all of the receivers and then plugged in the hopper with the wireless adapter. It picked up my network and shows wireless under network settings. I then plugged in the other hopper, that hopper picked up an IP address from my home network and shows MOCA under network settings, however, it shows N/A under connectivity type. Not sure if it should show N/A or Hopper Master Bedroom since it is accessing my network through that hopper and that's what it showed before when I first took off the wireless adapter. I then plugged in all of the joeys (only using coax to the jack in the wall for connectivity to dish for joeys) and they also picked up IP addresses from the network and show MOCA under network settings. So far, everything is running stable without black screens, drops, or freezes and all hoppers and joeys show OK for DHCP acquired, server connection, and internet connection. I can also access recordings from all hoppers without an issue now.

I ran the setup above twice and alternated the hopper to connect to my network to see if one would work better or have a better wireless signal.

I expect to go and purchase an ethernet cable long enough to use in order to hard wire the network and remove the wireless adapter.

Again, the only real question I have left is if the connectivity type should be reflecting something other than N/A.
Okay tried fixing the slow channel changing issue by resetting the hopper 5 times now , resetting Joey. Also tried resetting my Internet connection and still slow channel changing . This has to be a software issue... Please help
Intermittent Joey video and network

I'm not DBS Commando, but I use my mac for the DHCP server which works fine.

It shouldn't matter if static/reserved DHCP is properly implemented on the router. A static/reserved address is supposed to always be allocated to that MAC. Does the static/reserved address work on other devices?

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2

Reserving the ip doesn't prevent the hopper from requesting a new one from dhcp if it looses its connection without being static on the hopper. I don't know if it is dropping video causing it to loose th ip or if loosing the ip connection and reconnecting is causing the loss in video on the Joey.

Long uptime on this network with no issues on other devices and yes I've tried the hopper by itself on the network to eliminate any possibility of conflict. Yes, the Mac addresses are correct and the connection drop happens whether assigning reserved ips or not.

Yes dhcp should assign the same ip to that Mac address every time but it definitely is not. No problem with this on other devices. Computer connected to same cable transfers files all over network without dropping packets or loosing connection. Wireless adapter connected by USB on hopper has exact same problem eliminating connector issue on hopper. Wireless USB connected to Joey as only broadband has same problem.

Several people seem to be reporting similar issues even with only one connection. Anyone experiencing network slowdowns or video freeze ups and unlinked joeys should remove all broadband connection to see if problem goes away, and check attached devices in router to see if ips are being constantly reassigned.
Installed the HIC yesterday. Wow, it was easy! Bother Hoppers and all 4 Joeys recognize the network with no problem. Hubby loves getting Pandora on garage Joey! So far I have had no more Joey blackouts and no more Hopper freezing. Coincidence?
I have resolved my problems with the S213/S265 software and want to share how I did it. My setup is one Hopper with two Joeys, both connected by coax, and internet supplied by a wireless USB dongle through the Hopper. I was experiencing every one of the issues being talked about in this thread after the new software push and didn't have a single issue prior to it. Needless to say my entire family was pissed especially since I had just recently made the command decision to dump Cox Communications in favor of DISH due to nothing more than general principle and not technical issues. After a week of jacking with my setup and monitoring this forum here is the fix that finally worked.

It was very apparent early on that this software update changed how the Hopper/Joey setup managed its internal and external networks. As others have said here, it would have been nice if DISH had issued a whitepaper to its end users prior to releasing this update explaining what exactly it did. At the very least they should have informed technical support what was going on so that they could have effectively helped those of us that wasted our time calling them. After talking to tech support and realizing how clueless they seemed to be I didn't even bother allowing them to send a technician to my house and elected to troubleshoot it myself and learn something in the process. To start with I did numerous power off resets of the entire Hopper/Joey network as well as the "good old red button reset" numerous times. The only thing that seemed to fix was the small picture issue but nothing else. The Joeys would continuously search for the Hopper showing the 1303 error. Sometimes one Hopper would connect while the other would search endlessly and other times one of the Joey would partially connect with no picture and only banners at the top and bottom. Very strange. I looked through the Broadband menu in the MoCA drop down and realized that sometimes the Joeys would show an IP from my home network and sometimes it would show and DISH internal IP (169.xxx.xxx.xxx) but there seemed to be no correlation to whether the Joey connected TV worked or not. Being a military signals intel guy has made me paranoid so my home network is extremely locked down with MAC authentication, static IP addresses, and a pool of available IPs only large enough for what needs to connect in my house and nothing extra. After looking at others research here, I decided to try adding the MoCA MACs for the Hopper & Joeys as well as allocate all three static IPs in addition to the Hoppers wireless IP already allocated. Next, I powered down the Hopper network as well as my home network to reset both and then powered up my home network, the Hopper, and the Joeys one at a time in that order. The Hopper & Joeys all showed the static IPs allocated from my home network and I've had no connectivity issues with the Joeys since. The Hopper is obviously now being used as a network bridge and the Joeys are now being supplied internet connectivity via coax as both Joeys can now see my home network connected NAS. I suspect that users that don't have security configured on their home networks have had little to no issues with this software update that a red button reset and/or disconnecting internet from one Hopper in a two Hopper setup wouldn't fix. The bottom line is that for those that bring home a shiny new router, hook it up, turn it on and realize that "it already works" with no regard to security probably have had no issues. Most users likely fit into this category and DISH knew this.

Here is my problem with what the Echostar/DISH software engineers have done. This has opened up a home network vulnerability via the DISH network, it wouldn't be easy but it could be done. Would a guy like me be worth the effort?? Probably not but doing what I do for a living, I don't like it. If the Chinese decide to target data from from a business or individual that uses DISH connected the way we are all forced to now where connectivity to the internet is desirable/required, they now have another way to do it. I may sound paranoid but consider where I work. :cool:
Here is my problem with what the Echostar/DISH software engineers have done. This has opened up a home network vulnerability via the DISH network, it wouldn't be easy but it could be done. Would a guy like me be worth the effort?? Probably not but doing what I do for a living, I don't like it. If the Chinese decide to target data from from a business or individual that uses DISH connected the way we are all forced to now where connectivity to the internet is desirable/required, they now have another way to do it. I may sound paranoid but consider where I work. :cool:

Generally, I don't see how bridging the Moca and Cat5 connections is creating any more of a security issue than having the Hopper/Joeys directly cat5 or wirelessly connected. Either case would require the unit be compromised, and if done I doubt there is any real difference in difficulty accessing one interface over the other.

The big exception would be folks that have the node or moca enabled cable on the outside of the home - the infamous Dish wire-wrapped home. At that point physical compromise is easy with a couple of f-connectors and a splitter or tap.

But that's still a lot of work unless someone has a specific reason to targeted.
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I've got a 1 Hopper/1 Joey system and have the S213/S265 update. I've experienced some issues on the Joey and wanted to document it hoping someone is listening. :)

First issue is related to screen artifacts that appear on the TV attached to the Joey. First thought it was the TV, but switched sources on the TV and it went away. I rebooted the Joey and the artifacts went away. It's a bit hard to describe the artifacts, but they appear at the bottom of the screen and appears to be like the tip of the corner of a window? Sometimes there is one spot, other times there are two. I can't confirm if they show up in the same place all the time, but it is very possible.

Second issue is when I turn on the TV that is attached to the Joey, sometimes it displays nothing. Most of the time I can turn off the TV and back on (sometimes a couple of times) the screen appears. Couple of times I got tired of waiting and reset the Joey by unplugging it from the wall. The TV is a Panasonic Plasma attached via the HDMI.

One last issue that I am seeing is when I watch a recorded show on the Hopper, it doesn't seem to always save where I was at when I stopped. So when I go back to watch the rest of the show, the option is to just Start Over and not Resume. I don't have many more specifics right now but will try to do more research.
You are NOT missing anything. There have only been 5 episodes of the new Dallas. There is currently no episode with the number 4. They have 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6.

Thanks for bringing that to my attention - I didn't notice the break in episode numbers.

But I did see a missed recording for America's Got Tallent. All episodes showed up on the PTAT listing but nothing in my listing of saved recordings.
I have 2H 2J setup, same problems many others were having since 213 was pushed. Prior to 213, my Internet to both Hs was via USB wireless with no issues. After 213 lags, dropouts, red button resets, slow functionality, etc. After reading through this thread, I took away one USB wireless, did a red button reset on the H with he only remaining USB wireless, followed by red button reset for the other H and power button resets for both Js. It has been four days now with everything working fine. DLNA works, sharing between Hs work, Js work. I hope this info helps and resolves what others are experiencing.

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