Hopper Remote Control Pairing/TV Mode Question


SatelliteGuys Crazy
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Jan 14, 2006
O'Fallon, IL
I am having trouble pairing and setting up TV mode in two remote controls, one is a used remote and the other is brand new. Both remotes are in un-paird mode. After I pair the remotes I set the remotes up in Remote Manager (Yellow - 6). I set up the remote name, operate a TV (either code lookup or enter the model method), disable Limited Mode, etc, and then select save. These two remotes are a second and third remote paired to my Hopper. When I check the the System Info menu these two remotes somehow changes remote control #1 settings to either the #2 or #3 remotes settings. When I check remote controls #2 or #3 in the Remote Manager menu they read correct. This same thing is happening with my Joey too. So I don't think it is a Hopper/Joey or remote issue, I think I am doing something wrong. I make sure they are un-paired before they are paired either with the menu or manual un-pairing procedure before I pair them again. Is the System Wizard backup/restore memory playing with me? How can I get these two remotes not to change another remote that is properly set up? Thanks for any help. This is driving me off the deep end.
The Restore should not occur until you initiate the restore function. The backup will update each night. Are all 3 remotes operational with the Hopper you have the remotes linked with? I would try rebooting the Hopper to see if that resolves the issue. Thanks.

I am having trouble pairing and setting up TV mode in two remote controls, one is a used remote and the other is brand new. Both remotes are in un-paird mode. After I pair the remotes I set the remotes up in Remote Manager (Yellow - 6). I set up the remote name, operate a TV (either code lookup or enter the model method), disable Limited Mode, etc, and then select save. These two remotes are a second and third remote paired to my Hopper. When I check the the System Info menu these two remotes somehow changes remote control #1 settings to either the #2 or #3 remotes settings. When I check remote controls #2 or #3 in the Remote Manager menu they read correct. This same thing is happening with my Joey too. So I don't think it is a Hopper/Joey or remote issue, I think I am doing something wrong. I make sure they are un-paired before they are paired either with the menu or manual un-pairing procedure before I pair them again. Is the System Wizard backup/restore memory playing with me? How can I get these two remotes not to change another remote that is properly set up? Thanks for any help. This is driving me off the deep end.
The Restore should not occur until you initiate the restore function. The backup will update each night. Are all 3 remotes operational with the Hopper you have the remotes linked with? I would try rebooting the Hopper to see if that resolves the issue. Thanks.

Yes, all three remotes are operational with the Hopper. And when I paired with the Joey they all worked with the Joey. I have tried several hard reboots with the Hopper and Joey, does not fix the issue. Very strange.
I have 2 - 40.0 remotes linked to my Hopper and a 32.0 remote where each remote has its own name and indiviually displayed in the System Info screen.

Have you unlinked each remote and then unplugged the Hopper to have the Hopper reboot? After the Hopper reboots then link the reboots to the Hopper. Please let me know. Thanks.

Yes, all three remotes are operational with the Hopper. And when I paired with the Joey they all worked with the Joey. I have tried several hard reboots with the Hopper and Joey, does not fix the issue. Very strange.
I have 2 - 40.0 remotes linked to my Hopper and a 32.0 remote where each remote has its own name and indiviually displayed in the System Info screen.

Have you unlinked each remote and then unplugged the Hopper to have the Hopper reboot? After the Hopper reboots then link the reboots to the Hopper. Please let me know. Thanks.

OK, I will try that out. I have 8 - 40.0 remotes linked to one of my Hoppers and had no issue when I paired them long time ago. Will get back with you.
Please let me know. Thanks.

Still have remote pairing issue. Un-paired all remotes from the Hopper and checked the System Info screen by using the front panel buttons to make sure no remotes were paired. Unplugged Hopper and removed the batteries from three remotes that were previously paired to this Hopper. Left Hopper unplugged for about an hour, plugged her back in, after boot up used panel button to bring up System Info screen. Installed batteries in remote #1 which is the primary remote for this Hopper and then paired it to the Hopper. Then set up the remote's name and TV settings in Remote Manager. Everything worked so I went into System Info screen again to make sure the remote name was correct. Name was correct so went into Remote Manager to check things and the name was of another remote that had been previously paired to this Hopper. So changed the name back to correct name and it stayed put this time. Paired #2 remote and set it up for the TV at another location because this Hopper has a RF modulator. Went into System Info screen and this remote settings were correct but it changed everything in remote #1 to read identical. So changed remote's #1 name and TV settings back to correct settings. Settings seem to stay after checking everything so paired remote #3 and set up the name and TV settings for another remote TV and the same thing happened to remote #1 again, remote #3 changed remote #1 to read identical. So again corrected remote #1 settings and so far everything seems stable now. Will check in the morning.

What in the hell is going on? It sure seems like to me the remotes are restoring their dam selves somehow. Also, when I load a TV code and name in Remote Manager the previous DVD and Aux settings show up automatically after the TV code is saved. I wish there was a way to set remote controls back to default settings. I am remote controlled out and done with them for today. Good luck Ray C and thanks.
Forgot to mention in last nite's post that while I was trying to straighten out my remotes, I got this pop up message and had to set up one remote's TV settings the learning method. Message 457, "Maximum of 4 brands per device can be programmed per day. To program additional brands, try again tomorrow". I think my Hopper went in to a state of shock from massive confusion. Has anyone seen this message before? I hope Ray C@DISH technicians can discover this is a "me" problem and not a software issue. What a pain in the A--!
If you do not have any remote controls set up for remote TV locations, no need reading this post. It is too confusing to read and I wrote it!

Finally got my remote controls straightened out. Did not have a pairing issue. The problem was with the remote control name and TV code setup for remote controls that control a Hopper from a remote TV location. Three of my Hoppers have RF modulators that send signal to several remote TVs. After pairing the remote to a Hopper I would then set up the remote control name and TV code for the remote TV in Remote Manager Menu (yellow - 6). After I got the remote control all set up and working correctly, I would re-check the remote control's name and TV code in Remote Manager and both name and TV code changed to the remote control that is set up for the TV that is attached to the Hopper. And then when I correct the remote control for the remote TV to what it should be, it changes the remote control's name and TV code for the remote control that is for the TV that is attached to the Hopper. That shouldn't happen and it sure as hell didn't use to. I checked all my remote controls' settings for the remote TV locations in Remote Manager and they all were the same way. They should read the correct name and TV code I set up for them and they don't. They read the info that is in the remote control for the TV that is attached to the Hopper. Apparently this all got changed in a software update because it wasn't this way a year or so ago. In the past I have gone into Remote Manager for all my remotes and made a list up of all the TV codes. Can't do that now which is no biggy. All this has just caused me big confusion when I had to replace a defective remote and didn't know things had changed. Thank goodness in the System Info Screen all the listed remote controls' names are correct and the remote locate button works good too.

Anyway, got it all straighten out and thanks for getting back to me Ray C! I can understand you being confused as much as I was. This issue was kinda hard to explain.
I see exactly what you're writing about.
Easy solution (until DISH fixes) DON'T use yellow - 6 instead after yellow move the cursor over to remote manager and press select.
It will then show you the info for the remote you actually are checking.
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I see exactly what you're writing about.

Easy solution (until DISH fixes) DON'T use yellow - 6 instead after yellow move the cursor over to remote manager and press select.
It will then show you the info for the remote you actually are checking.

WOW n0qcu, what a good find. Why in the world does the info for the remote control read different when you go to Remote Manager menu the long way instead of the color button short cut method (Yellow - 6)! Very strange, are you aware of any other color button short cuts that behave the same way? This is something else! I think when I was going thru my remote control nightmare sometimes I did use the long way menu method and saw that the remote control info was correct. And then I would re-check by using the color button short cut method the remote info was different causing me to have mass confusion. Anyway, dam good info n0qcu. Do you have RF modulators too on your Hoppers or Joeys? If the Hoppers had a way to sync recordings, I think I would do away with the RF modulators. Syncing is the main reason I have them. I still wonder why when I correct the remote name and TV code on a remote it would also change the info for the primary remote control for the TV that is attached to the Hopper! Then I would have to change the primary remote control back to what is was, both remotes stayed put. I still think the System Wizard was changing things somehow, but no telling. Thanks again.