Hopper Plus Losing Connection to Hopper

Uh oh. Now what? Hopper seems to be looking for Hopper plus?
Unpluge the USB, Power and HDMI cable from Hopper Plus. Plug HDMI cable into the Hopper 3. Press and hold the black power button on Hopper 3 until it reboots. It will get the message one more time but just wait and it will reboot again. Then the Hopper 3 will come up normal.
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Unpluge the USB, Power and HDMI cable from Hopper Plus. Plug HDMI cable into the Hopper 3. Press and hold the black power button on Hopper 3 until it reboots. It will get the message one more time but just wait and it will reboot again. Then the Hopper 3 will come up normal.
Yep that worked. Bypassed the + on the main TV. Joey 4s still go black once an hour or so.

Ahhh, Dish. I have been your biggest fan but this is straining our relationship.
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Yep that worked. Bypassed the + on the main TV. Joey 4s still go black once an hour or so.

Ahhh, Dish. I have been your biggest fan but this is straining our relationship.
My Joey 4 and Wireless Joey 4 will do that once after you turn them on, but just switching channels waiting for video to start and then switching back seem to make them stable for awhile.
Not having the black screen issue, but one issue I am having is the Joey 4s losing internet connection even though they are connected to the Hopper via MOCA and the Hopper has an internet connection, works and even shows in the network status menu that the internet is connected, and the Joey 4 has a strong MOCA connection. Restarting the Joey 4 does not fix the issue. The only fix that seems to work is doing a restart on the Hopper. Again, the internet connection at the Hopper works and you can use apps on the Hopper, but just not the Joey 4 due to reporting the internet is lost. Also, regular television and DVR access from the Joey4 still work fine just not the apps due to the internet connection loss. I have had this system for 6 weeks and have not made it a single week yet that has not required a reboot of the Hopper to fix one issue or another. I don't mind beta testing but give me a discount or pay me for doing your work for you Dish. There is a reason I do not check myself out and bag my own groceries at the grocery store.
Thanks all. Yep I'm on the usb 3.0 - I'm wondering about giving up on the plus. I was one of the first to get it but at 130/month, I feel like this thing should work. When it does work, it's pretty cool having everything in one box.

I wonder how much Dish would charge me to go back to a regular Hopper Joey arrangement.
Dish csr said I could do another upgrade with another 2 year agreement and they would swap one Joey 4 for Joey 4k for $40. So I had them deactivate one joey4 and I activated a purchased joey4k I had for my wife to keep her happy but I am out the $50 per box I paid to up grade
Dish csr said I could do another upgrade with another 2 year agreement and they would swap one Joey 4 for Joey 4k for $40. So I had them deactivate one joey4 and I activated a purchased joey4k I had for my wife to keep her happy but I am out the $50 per box I paid to up grade
Thats actually a downgrade and should be free with a apology and a few movie certificates at the minimum!
Thats actually a downgrade and should be free with a apology and a few movie certificates at the minimum!
Dish csr said I could do another upgrade with another 2 year agreement and they would swap one Joey 4 for Joey 4k for $40. So I had them deactivate one joey4 and I activated a purchased joey4k I had for my wife to keep her happy but I am out the $50 per box I paid to up grade
You know after reading this I would call back to loyalty by telling the automatic answering machine "Cancel service" Explain to them EVERYTHING Why you chose the Plus how it failed to meet your expectations the money spent to upgrade and being asked to pay again. Its just not right!
And for those who don't know which is which, which one is the USB 3 port on the Hopper 3?

I am on my way to a wedding so I can't look at mine.
Yes, my Hopper plus is on the bottom USB 3.0 Constantly have the DVR recordings show nothing recorded. Although the guide will show its recording, and I can back that recording back to the beginning, eventually I have to unplug the Joey 4 to reboot. Not even a reset but on the Joey 4 that I can see, or a on/off button
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Quation re Hopper Plus. Are these posts telling me that the PLUS is just some adapter on an already installed Hopper? And plugged into a USB port?
I have a post re losing Hopper power randomly that can be recovered by hitting SAT button the remote. I do NOT have Hopper PLUS. However, all my problems begain in October 2022 and my troubleshooting (see my post) and I am down to either the OTA Adapter OR Software being the cause of my problem. The October posting date of your Question interestly corresponds to my start of trouble. The other issues I had with possible memory corruption which I documents in my last post to my problem is very suspect in causing your problem. I am believing they are all related and therefore a SOFTWARE problem that they will never get a handle on until they open their ears and let us explain the possible causes. Your question and posts to them have now convinced me that both the Hopper 3 AND Hopper Plus have the same Software and are caused by the same memory corruption. I just tried to use Prime Video on the Hopper 3. As I understand it Dish is not trying to make all applications avaiable as the most popular streaming applications out there, like Fire TV, or Samsun Smart Tvs.
Please tell me if the Plus is just a USB attachment of some device. To she a little more info, I found the OTA Adapter played better in the 2,0 USB than the 3.0 USB. I saw that the USB was reported as a possible casue relating to your issue too. All very interesting. If this doesn't get fixed I will be at the Cancellation desk demaning my contract terminated without penaly allowing me to go with full internet solution like You Tube or Hulu. Dish has taken too much to bite!