Hopper Plus and Harmony Elite

We used to be able to configure device commands and upload to the Harmony site. Has that feature gone away?

Anyway, we'd need to know what those commands are, and I don't think Dish wants to be helpful. I think they want everyone to use their voice remote exclusively. I kinda doubt I can program that for my HT, or to get it to behave like a Harmony.
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Does the Hopper Plus upgrade and Joey 4 use unique IR codes, or do they use RF for some functions?
Unless I am mistaken, the Hopper Plus itself does not communicate with the remote as that would be the Hopper 3 who does the communications. The Joey 4 does communicate with the remote. In both cases, I think they are both RF only and not IR.

coming back to dish-several questions

File transfer benchmarks / advice
