You need to make your selection more restrictive. For example, specifying the channel, the resolution, only new, and anything else. Do not set timers for shows covered by PTAT if you have at least 2 of those. Check for duplicates by alphabetizing and finding the same title in adjacent slots.
Were you at the timer limit instead of the event limit, I might suggest what I have to do, namely, create a watchlist at IMDb and then show those in a restricted set as a URL--I use:
//Titles In Your "watchlist" With User Rating Between 7.2 And 10 and US TV Airings//
The Airings giving only those that will be on in the next 2 weeks. I set these titles in a TitanTV favorites list (manually) restricted to Dish with my locale--still more channel than I get and can't say HD only. Displaying the favorites will give the date, time, and channel of those coming soon, mostly the next 48 hours although you can go out a day at a time. Then set one-time timers for any you want. Titan increased the number in their list (150 or 200?) recently but it's not enough for all in the IMDb list, say 400.
Could Dish coordinate this because they know your channels? It's too bad IMDb does not allow channel restriction.