And it happened to me again a few nights ago: I was watching TV at the dreaded hour, and thoughtlessly went to the kitchen during the commercial break to raid for late snack, then to return to the TV to see to my HORROR it went into the UPDATE mode while I was away. Of course I missed several minutes of the program. In the past I've paused Live TV only to find it dumped my buffer of the live show for the stupid update. Yeah, it gives the option to pass on the reboot, but we have to be there. THAT IS JUST SO STUPID to design TV watching with buffer and PROMOTE pausing Live TV, and then design it to dump the buffer, and I've known those who were on the phone not paying attention to the prompt before update and re-boot. Why Dish has not SIMPLY designed the option already exists in the old ViP's to allow us to select the time WE KNOW BEST to let the box update and reboot is massively MORONIC, and ARROGANT! Not at all the Charlie credo of "give the customer what they want." It is a HOSTILE design to impose the time of update and reboot.