Hopper 3 - Version H348

I received 348 on 6/8. The problem I have now is dvr playback. It lags when hitting any function key,ff/rw. I've noticed that hitting the rewind once does nothing. I have to hit it twice to initiate the rewind, afterwards, it functions properly. After sitting 30secs, have to press rewind twice for it to function.
Overall, I have noticed the hoppers response lags.

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As someone who has written code (in 4 languages) for many years I am at a loss to understand how something like this makes it into the field, even in a limited distro. These are rudimentary controls, not some special function being tried out for the first time. The DVR buttons have not functioned correctly for multiple software iterations and instead of getting better they are getting worse. Someone is dropping the ball and in a big way. It's time, past time really, for somebody to crack the whip and get these basic issues addressed before even thinking about additional bells & whistles.
As someone who has written code (in 4 languages) for many years I am at a loss to understand how something like this makes it into the field, even in a limited distro. These are rudimentary controls, not some special function being tried out for the first time. The DVR buttons have not functioned correctly for multiple software iterations and instead of getting better they are getting worse. Someone is dropping the ball and in a big way. It's time, past time really, for somebody to crack the whip and get these basic issues addressed before even thinking about additional bells & whistles.
I 100% Agree.
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As someone who has written code (in 4 languages) for many years I am at a loss to understand how something like this makes it into the field, even in a limited distro. These are rudimentary controls, not some special function being tried out for the first time. The DVR buttons have not functioned correctly for multiple software iterations and instead of getting better they are getting worse. Someone is dropping the ball and in a big way. It's time, past time really, for somebody to crack the whip and get these basic issues addressed before even thinking about additional bells & whistles.
Assuming it exist at all it does definitely appear something is broken with Dish's quality assurance process within their software development team.
And still no info to the techs. Ever since hopper release I think this is the first time that dish hasn't told us first about a software update and what it adds or fixes.

However on our receiver versions page I do see that it shows hopper plus and joey4s had an update go out yesterday going from versions xx701 to xx710
tjboston5676 does your tech info say what improvements for Android App Version xx710 update?
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I'm having a similar problem on my Joey 3.0. running software version J549 downloaded 6/15.
On a DVR'd playback, I hit skip forward once which usually shows +30 sec... it now stutters and shows +30 sec then +1 min; however it actually only forwards 30 seconds.
Skip backward is similar. I hit it once and it usually shows -10 sec...it now stutters and shows -10 sec then -20 sec; however it actually only rewinds 10 seconds.
My hopper 3 is unaffected by any of these problems and is running H349 downloaded 6/15.
I tried the "Download Latest Software" function on the Hopper, but the versions and dates I already had remained unchanged.
my mom is now on me about dish fixing the amazon video app on joeys this whole watch show/movie and go back to amazon menu just to see server error, requiring one to restart app was FIXED in prior builds but broke again.

And she is complain about the whole DVR/ live tv recording issue where if you skip forward or back enough whole feed locks up and you have go back live tv or change channel to fix it, which is for most part fine with DVR but live tv buffer just means that is all lost, which apparent she pause live tv alot.

These seem to be joey issues, I already had my joey 4k replaced

Updated Dish anywhere today - now immediately crashes

Hopper H343 Harmony Chan Up/Down
