Hopper 3 Software H375

The hopper3 has only been out for 8 years. As with most electronics life expectancy varies. It depends on the components inside which in the tech world you can have 10 of the same component all made from same batch and each one fail at different times in a stress test.
Overall though as long as it's in a smoke free home with good electrical and not moved or banged around a lot you can easily get 10+ years.
The Hopper that I had before the Hopper 3 would for reasons unknown at that time would just shut off. After dealing with that so many times, I decided that it was time to something about this . The tech who installed the Hopper, then was the same tech who installed the Hopper3. The cable lines was the reason why the Hopper would just shut off. The Updates for the Hopper,3 I will not install manually.

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