Hopper 3 - Please wait refresh in progress

So I've re-read this entire thread a couple times now and one thing stood out to me. It was pointed out that the cables or connectors between the Hopper and the dish could be the cause. That reminded me that before I had this problem, I accidently yanked the crimp connector off the end of one of the coax runs. This is the run that goes between the Hopper to the Solo Hub. At the time I didn't have any new connectors so I just shoved the same connector back on and used a smaller setting on my crimp tool to get it tight. It's been working all this time (so I thought), but that could be the cause of my issue. I have new crimp connectors now so I just cut that end off and put a new connector on it the correct way. Everything is up and running again now so time will tell if that really was the cause of the issue.
Well, Sunday morning I had the same old Please Wait Refresh in Progress message. I did not have it Saturday at all and it did not recure during the day on Sunday. This morning (Monday) everything is still working fine with no message. I'm not sure what to think about this. It's better than it was, but it still has occurred once since I fixed the coax connector.
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I have noticed that in the mornings when I first turn my hopper 3 on and it will sometimes will refresh in progress message will show on my hopper 3. I have kept my hopper 3 hooked up since I left DISH in 2020 and use it mostly as an ota dvr. It will also show the refresh message after a Reboot as well. While its on the screen you can't do anything till it clears. I think this is normal behavior. Having it happen all day long would not be normal. But once you have changed out the hopper and checked the cabling and switches you have to accept this is the way this receiver is supposed to operate.

My buddy who has the hopper with sling says he gets the refresh message first after a reboot and it will then say 9999, then 8888 message comes up for the snap usb plug in to make the receiver faster. It is annoying to wait for both to clear. So luckily if you have the hopper 3 you won't have to wait as long.
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This issue has been going on for about 3 weeks now. My Hopper 3 will show "Please wait refresh in progress" in the bottom right of the screen (no error numbers) and the Hopper 3 plays the last channel that was watched the last time it was powered on. When this happens, I am not able to change channels, or do anything on the Hopper and the Joeys wont connect either. Called support, first time they had me reset the Hopper. Happened again a few days later, called back they had me change the power setting from 3:00 AM to 1:00 AM. Happened again, called back they reset my Hopper 3 to default settings. Happened again yesterday afternoon, they had me reset it and worked. It happened again this morning, called back and they had me unplugs the surge protector it was plugged into saying there sometimes is a glitch in this.

Does anyone on here have any ideas what is causing this issue, is it a bad receiver? They have tested the Hopper and it all passes. Nothing has changed, Hopper is in same location it has been for years, no obstruction on dish.
Mine started today with Please wait Refresh in Progress. Ugh!
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If it's been a while since its normal nightly self-reboot, it will do that. The way to keep it from self-rebooting is to keep it on Netflix, Prime or any other app. When it's in an app, even if you fall asleep and someone turns the TV off, the Hopper remains in the app, and the timer will not fire to reboot the Hopper.
The two conditions must not be active for it to reboot.
1) No recording is in progress or scheduled to be started at the reboot time.
2) If any App is in control.

So if the guide data and internal control data become too stale, it will refresh, and if it hasn't been allowed to reboot a couple of times, it will also go into full diagnostic mode, telling you to wait.

So, do you or your family happen to watch Netflix, Prime, YouTube or whatever during the nighttime? Or leave it in the app without exiting? If so, that's the problem. So either tell them to use the darn exit or live with the refresh.

No guide info for all streaming channels

Hopper 3 skipping a dvr show issues
