After hours of trial an error I found that the issue is due to a software issue. The Over the Air code that deals with Multipath. My Hopper WS was perfect all the time.
If the signal is TOO STRONG, you get this issue as there is too much multipathing going on. (same signal bouncing off other houses or trees coming into your antenna slightly behind or different).
Solution was to put an Antenuator on the Anttenna coax and adjust it.
Trouble is this sginal can change from day to night so you have to adjust it a lot.
If you do not have an Atenuator putting a 2 way splitter or have a 3 way can be a low cost easy test to verify this.
Hope they fix this soon.
WORSE NEWS: The Joey 2.0 and Joey 4K make the Multipathing even worse, so you may be a minor issue going on with the HOPPER 3 you may not see much of an issue on a Hopper 3, but watch the same channel on the Joey and wow it is even worse. I am guessing the software for the Joey for OTA view is different.