All morning my Hopper has been either randomly rebooting or showing a warning that it is "Reciever currently running a system check", then rebooting.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
Mine is still Doing it.. About every 15 minutesAll morning my Hopper has been either randomly rebooting or showing a warning that it is "Reciever currently running a system check", then rebooting.
Any ideas?
U549 4/22/2020What software version do you have? Press Home 3x.
Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
I did a pull the chord method too on the third H3 shutdown. My 2nd H3 is working fine so I have switched back to my primary Hopper 3.Mine rebooted 3 times with U925. I did pull the plug a few hours ago. It's been alright so far.
Now that you mention it, I fell asleep last night with my Wally on. When I woke up after midnight, the TV had nothing but a black screen. I pressed the SAT button on the remote, and the Wally came back on right away without any problem. So, I did not think anything of it, and I went back to sleep. I have not turned on the Wally again today to check it. If it was the same issue that everyone is reporting here, though, then it must have started happening sometime around midnight.You can add me to the list with Hopper/Sling! It would reboot then come back on for 5-8 minutes and then go blank and reboot again.I just shut it down and wait till later this afternoon to check to see if it's still messed up. It's got to be in the Dish system.