Hopper 3, how in the world can I view/manage recorded movies with the same name?

Agreed, without a change log describing what was changed or addressed who in the world will re-read an entire manual to find something that might have been removed????
Even the ones who write and update the manual would not know to update unless they had changelogs that they were aware of so there can be issues on both the user side and also the side of the provider side.
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Most changes are to fix bugs or improve performance. As mature as the Hopper 3, is most major functional upgrades are already in place and need not be altered. Many undocumented functions still need to be revealed or al least acknowledged in writing.
Even the ones who write and update the manual would not know to update unless they had changelogs that they were aware of so there can be issues on both the user side and also the side of the provider side.
And we know how much Dish just LOVES publishing any change logs, what is being addressed, or any new features. That's left up to the end user to discover as if they are on a treasure hunt.
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I have quite a number of recorded movies with multiple versions and the same name. For example, I have all three versions of Carrie, two versions of King Kong, two of Death Wish, two of The Mummy, just to name a few. These were all recorded on my previous VIP 722K which had no problem showing them in a folder in the recording list, but on the Hopper, no such luck. Unlike episodes in a series which work fine, the tile for movies with the same name show the correct number of recordings, but there is no way to see them all. Selecting the tile just brings up a screen to watch one of the moves with a description that may or may not even match the one you can watch. Many of the other differences from the VIP series are just annoying, but this is actually unacceptable. Am I missing something? I don't know what to do and am ready to toss the Hopper and go back to my 722.
Thanks for any advice!
This is similar to the problem I encountered with a movie that was broken into 2 portions due to my Hopper3 rebooting. See my post Playing multiple portions of the same movie.
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Playing multiple portions of the same movie

Service numbers
