I *THINK* it's better, but I'm still testing. On Saturday, I changed the Volume Leveling to off. I still can't find anywhere to turn on 'Line' as mentioned above. My wife said that her and my niece didn't have the sound issue Saturday night, but they were boozing it up and not really paying attention and also watching a lot of Netflix (from the Dish app). On Sunday, I changed the CEC to off and only an hour or two later, the sound issue re-appeared. So, I turned it on again. Watching stuff Sunday night, I feel like crodrules in that it was better, but because I was really looking for it, it seemed like the might've been off by a little, but way better than before.
One thing I've noticed is that right before the sound gets really messed up, I'll hear a bunch of pops in the audio. 10-15 random pops that aren't really loud, but they are noticeable. As soon as that happens, the sound gets off by 3-4 seconds at least.
I'd still like to figure out where to turn on the 'Line' option to see if that's the last piece of the puzzle. Can someone point me to that?