Hopefully quick and easy question about by 301


Original poster
Sep 17, 2006
I have a 301 that I originally got with my dish installation and used for many years with flawless service....love(d) it.

About 4 months ago I got a used 721 and deactivated the 301 and activated the 721.

Well I have now decided to put the 301 in another room and, so, tonight I just unplugged one of the cables from my 721 and plugged it into the 301 to verify it was working and then to call DN to reactivate it. (I dont have the cable run for the other room yet, but I oould like to complete that tomorrow.)

Anyhow, when I turn on the 301, now it says there is no signal in the signal window. I have:
-verified the cable connection is tight
-restarted the receiver by holding the on button for 10 sec
-reset the original factory settings by the menu
-verified the cable does have a signal by hooking back up to my 721 and checking the signal strength (plus it is a clear-skies night here).
-run the switch check a dozen times
-unplugged it for over an hour

I called DN and after the obligitory hour on hold the guy who definitely shounded like he was reading from note cards, told me that it was dead, but he would be willing to replace for 50 bucks or "better yet" a monthly fee forever.:rolleyes:

Needless to say I am at my wits end. I am a technical person, my pretty much a moron when it comes to DSS. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I am not sure. What is the best way to check what the latest is?

On the setup info it says Software: P248

I took it out of service about 3-4 months ago, so it is not THAT out of date if it is.
Ok thanks,

So, it seems I have the current software.

Now what.

It is getting late, I will have to check back with yall in the am

Thanks for your help so far.

Yeah, thats current software. Maybe the box is shot. You might want to consider that 50$ replacement. You said you unplugged one of the cables from your 721. It was one of the cables coming from the dish right?

What kind of switch is it?
Did check switch on the 301 bring up anything?

Just brainstorming here. You wanna rule out everything else before you buy a new one.
Yes, I even made sure it was the new one. It litereally is connected to the dish on one end and to the receiver on the other. there are not even coupler in there anywhere.

The thing that perplexes me is that it has not been that long. I didnt even move it out of the stereo rack, so it is not like it got chucked into a closet.

Maybe the only thing I can think of was that it did remain plugged in during the 4 months (I kept forgetting to unplug it) and there were times when I turned on the 721 that the remote turned on the 301 as well, so it would be on with on sat cable connected. However, I cant believe that would blow its neurons though. But I dont know.

I am not totally opposed to the 50 bucks, but I just am having a hard time accepting that something has blown/gone wrong with it considering the timespan and treatment.
I'm not sure what(if any)damage could be done to a receiver if it had power going to it for 4 months, constantly searching for signal. It doesn't sound like it would be good for it, but I really can't say for sure.

Can anybody else speak on that?
Well, I just found out I need to go out of town for a few days. I will pick this up when I return. Thanks for yall's help.

My 301 is in a location where it's rarely used and it is generally powered-down, but still plugged-in and connected to the DPP44. Recently I found it completely "dead" when I went to use it - nothing I could do would resurrect it. I left it that way for a few days before I was ready to call Tech Support. But before I did, I tried it once more just to be sure and *voila* it worked! I have no clue what's going on with it. AFAIK it's still OK (haven't used it recently). The point is, maybe if you leave it for a few days it will mysteriously "fix" itself!

To the OP - you might consider signing-up for DHPP, having the unit replaced under the "warranty", then you can cancel the plan again. Normally I wouldn't recommend something like this, but my understanding is that some of the CSRs recommend it, YMMV...!

New 625 installed today...quick question.

Best way to upgrade to a 622 need help please!!

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