Hope Charlie doesn't steal this idea!!

I saw that yesterday and groaned. Don't give him any ideas.

Actually I take that back...

Hey Charlie COPY TIVO and put ads on the screen when people fast forward and rewind!

(This way Tivo can sue him for violating their patent... :D)
Let's see- I hit the 30 second skip, and it makes me watch a commercial before I can watch the show. ViP DVRs, and DVRs in general, lose value. Black market computer hacks become widespread, complicating our viewing. We start downloading everything onto a HTPC that will let us skip commercials just like we used to. But probably offer essentially unlimited storage, with external HDDs on the HTPC.

Hmmmm. I have to deal with the extra effort anyway now. But I can get the features I want, so the actual STB doesn't matter. It doesn't even need to be a DVR. It doesn't even need to be particularly good. I could get along with that junk the cablecos and Fios uses.

Gee, I guess at that point I won't have any particular reason at all to stick with Dish (or DTV). Especially since I'll soon have Fios as an option, as well as the cableco.

Yep, that would be a smart move, Dish. Not.
SOoo tivo, let me get this straight. I have 2 serie's 2 Tivo's that I have not used them in 2 years. But you pay for the tivo box then pay $13 dollars a month and still have to deal with commercials?
If they are going to start that advertising garbage, you should have the option of continuing to pay for commercial-free service or you can have Tivo for free because now advertisers are footing the bill. Works pretty well on this site!
If they are going to start that advertising garbage, you should have the option of continuing to pay for commercial-free service or you can have Tivo for free because now advertisers are footing the bill. Works pretty well on this site!

I'm willing to bet that's the idea.
If there's just a little logo on the bottom of the screen like "Enjoy Coca-Cola" that doesn't interfere with my fast forwarding (ie making me watch a whole separate commercial), I don't think it's that big of a deal. If they forced people to watch a whole ad then they're going to get a huge backlash, and it may even have the opposite effect and people will choose to AVOID the products they see advertised on there.
From the article,

"When broadband-connected TiVo users pause a live or time-shifted broadcast, the new "Pause Menu" comes up, which not only displays Adwords-style text ads, but also allows users to perform TiVo Swivel Searches for program info, related shows, and downloads."

Notice the "broadband-connected users".
SOoo tivo, let me get this straight. I have 2 serie's 2 Tivo's that I have not used them in 2 years. But you pay for the tivo box then pay $13 dollars a month and still have to deal with commercials?

No I think it's "deal with more commercials."

MythTV == automatic commercial skip, instantly...

For as long as it lasts. Some in Hollywood think we're thieves for not watching every commercial. Maybe we should take notes, too, huh?

From the article,

"When broadband-connected TiVo users pause a live or time-shifted broadcast, the new "Pause Menu" comes up, which not only displays Adwords-style text ads, but also allows users to perform TiVo Swivel Searches for program info, related shows, and downloads."

Notice the "broadband-connected users".

I'm sure it won't take long for them to figure they can stash commercials on the DVR and flash them on whenever they want, with or without an internet connection. Just think, one day, for variety, we might have ads pop up at random during our watching of DVR'd movies. And never the same ads in the same spots. Wheee. Not.
I went into my recorded shows on my 722 yesterday and found a 4 minute add for slingbox that Dish had downloaded to my recordings. So, it has already started. I did watch it though.

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