Holiday Party Recap!

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
What a great night we had last night! Our chat room peaked at 323 users in the chat room at the same time!

From what I saw it appeared everyone had a great time!

SatelliteGuys was proud to give back to our members with some great prizes! The Prize Goddess was very busy last night as she gave away 21 prizes!

We even had a surprise giveaway after the chat ended of another Nintendo DS system! If you left after we gave away the 921 you missed out. :)

The night started off with the presentation of the 2004 SatelliteGuy of the Year award to a stunned Sean Mota, who was was immediately flooded with congradulations wishes from all in the chat room.

It was very clear that this award took Sean by surprise, Sean admited that he was having trouble typing because he was so happy and surprised. None of the SatelliteGuys Staff or members knew in advance of my decission to select Sean.

SatelliteGuys has the best staff of ANY forum on the Internet and I felt great pride in being to award this prize to one of our staff members. A felt proud to be able to thank Sean for his hard work.

I am already looking forward to awarding the 2005 SatelliteGuy of the Year! Over the next few months we will come up with a selection and voting process for our pub members to vote and select our next SatelliteGuy of the Year. I should note that to be SatelliteGuy of the Year you do not need to be a staff member, just someone who show great dedication and devotion in helping others get more out of their Satellite Systems.

Besides awarding the SatelliteGuy of the Year award one of the nights other highlights was when Chris (aka Mothergoose45) called in to the Charlie chat and not only mentioned SatelliteGuys.US but also hammered Charlie with the MPEG4 question. It was great seeing Jim and Charlie turn white because of the question. I do hope that Charlie and Jim get the message that SatelliteGuys is becoming the voice of the Satellite consumer and we are only getting bigger and bigger.

Because Chris mentioned SatelliteGuys.US on the air he won a $50 DishStore.NET gift certificate. Way to go Mothergoose45!

Another great moment is when I announced the grand total we would be donating to the Make a Wish Foundation. I am proud of the fact we are sending $750.00 to Make a Wish! Thank you to all who have donated!

The other highlight was giving back to you the members! And I was proud of the fact that every other prize giveaway was for our supporters (aka Pub Members) and Staff Members. With the Pub Members and Staff members SatelliteGuys would not be here, these guys pay the bills to keep us running and the staff keeps everything running! A big thank you goes to our Pub Members and Staff! :)

Anyways a lot of prizes were given away here is a list of Prizes and Winners for the night! We wish to thank all the sponsors who donated prizes, all the remianing prizes were donated by Prize Goddess and Myself. :)

Here is the List

128 MB JumpDrive Keychain - nachomama
GPX Under Counter CD Player / Radio - TivoGirl
Magnavox Progressive Scan DVD Player - Mthomas2424
Fortec Star Lifetime Ultra Free to air Receiver (from PsbSatellite.COM) - DishMike
Apex Portable DVD player and Case - Chevyman
Hughes DVR80 (From ValueElectronics.COM) - shadoweku
Sony Atrac MiniDisc MP3 Walkman - Nightryder
Harmony 659 Remote (From ValueElectronics.COM) - goebernd
DirecTV R10 Receiver (From ValueElectronics.COM) - davep
Nintendo DS with 3 games - Korsjs
Dish Network DVR 921 (From DishStore.NET) - Tuxcoder

Surprise after chat giveaway a Nintendo DS went to Pepper!

The following prizes were for Pub Members and Staff Members
Apex Portable DVD Player and case - BFG
Sony Atrac MiniDisc MP3 Walkman - Neutron
128 MB Jumpdrive Keychain - mhking
GPX Under counter CD player / radio - cfunk
XBOX System - HankHunt
Harmony SST-688 Remote (from ValueElectronics.COM) - Sparkman
Nintendo DS and 3 games - xsailor
Apex portable DVD Player and Case - heirway
Dishplayer 508 receiver (from DishStore.NET) - vinnyv07

Congrats to EVERYONE and thank you to everyone!

Prize Goddess and Myself wish you all a very safe and happy holiday season! Thank you for all you have done for SatelliteGuys in 2004!

I hope you had fun in our chat! We had a great time doing it for you. :D
It was great, and I can't say thanks enough for the DVR 921. I'm definitely looking forward to receiving it and playing around with recording my digital locals (among its other nice features). :D

And again congratulations to all prize winners and to Sean. :)
Congrats To Everyone That One A Prize!!!!!! I Really Look Forward To The Upcoming Year At Satelliteguys. I Would Also Like To Wish Each And Every Satelliteguys Staff Member,pub Members, And Everyone Else A Happy And Joyous Holiday Season............DIGITAL~DAN
Scott Greczkowski said:
Besides awarding the SatelliteGuy of the Year award one of the nights other highlights was when Chris (aka Mothergoose45) called in to the Charlie chat and not only mentioned SatelliteGuys.US but also hammered Charlie with the MPEG4 question. It was great seeing Jim and Charlie turn white because of the question. I do hope that Charlie and Jim get the message that SatelliteGuys is becoming the voice of the Satellite consumer and we are only getting bigger and bigger.

Do you think you will be able to get the audio clip of this and post it for the people who do not have dish network? i am going to watch the replay tonight to see if they bleep out the mention of sat guys.

You could tell charlie was like "WTF", how did this guy get through.

I have tried the past few chats to get through, but can never make it through the screening process.

that was great.
I hope someone can send me an audio clip of that call and also Charlies answer. :) I didn't DVR it at all.

I don't believe Dish will edit it out, we can be a thorn in their side but we also have a good working relationship with them. :)
I have it on DVR except the last couple of minutes when they ran over the timeslot. Not sure how to capture it though, all my analog recording equipment is dead.
You should be able to hook it up to your computer and run sound recorder to capture the audio clip.

It depends on how far away your computer is from your DVR.

My wife and I would also like to wish everyone at Satelliteguys a safe and joyous Christmas and New Year! :) Satelliteguys has become a big part of my life and it's thanks to its members that we're the best site on the Internet for satellite news and talk.
Thanks for the prize and congratulations to the others. Hope everyone had a great time.
Under the counter cd player

Hello! I was at the chat last night and I won the under the counter cd
player and I did'nt see my name on the list of prize winners.

You are correct the list has been updated...

I was looking at the transcript. And saw prize goddess announce Kydave, but then KyDave wasnt in the chat at that time or did not reply so we drew again and you were the winner. :)

So please PM me your address. :)
Thanks again for such a GREAT forum ! I can't wait to get my Fortec Star and start scanning for signals!!!!! Thanks, Mike ( P.S. Scott did you get my address Ok, I seemed to be having problems getting it to go thru.)
You didn't win anything but we were all going "Where is stargazer" :)
Scott Greczkowski said:

You are correct the list has been updated...

I was looking at the transcript. And saw prize goddess announce Kydave, but then KyDave wasnt in the chat at that time or did not reply so we drew again and you were the winner. :)

So please PM me your address. :)

:) Aww, nuts!!

Serves me right, I forgot about the dang chat until about 5 minutes left.

At least it wasn't the 921..........
Thanks for the prize guys....a special thanks goes out to all the Staff Members who work OT for this great site. I had a great time last night and am looking foward to the new year. I am also looking foward to spending more time reading and writing about my favorite subject...HD. Thanks guys. Have a very safe and happy holdiay and new year.
We have the pefect forum for you vinny for your HD. :D

It's members like you that make this site what it is.
dishMIKE the "Fortec Star Lifetime Ultra" is now on its way as I write! "Have Fun"!
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