Hobbyist Open Source Satellite Receiver - Raspberry Pi 2???

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This does exist, see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sat-IP

This is the protocol used by the receivers that support streaming to an android device with ALi Big2Small or Amiko Streamer apps installed. The A3 does it, X2 premium III does it, and I'm sure there are more receivers that can serve a Sat>IP stream. There are also LNBs with ethernet ports on them which directly serve the streams as well.
Some of us here did some Sat>IP research several weeks ago with a Mini HD SE which led to the development of a Windows based Sat>IP client.

The only LNB with built-in Sat>IP that I know of is the Inverto 5048.

At approx. $400 US, it doesn't seem worth it to me. Are there cheaper IP enabled LNBs available?
Some of us here did some Sat>IP research several weeks ago with a Mini HD SE which led to the development of a Windows based Sat>IP client.

The only LNB with built-in Sat>IP that I know of is the Inverto 5048.

At approx. $400 US, it doesn't seem worth it to me. Are there cheaper IP enabled LNBs available?

Not that I know of I believe the Inverto was jointly built with SES. I love the idea but not for $400.
What about something like a MOI box? It is a LINUX based box that handles a PCIe card, ie, the nice TBS dvbs2 cards. Seems to me what ever you use, you should use something that can handle pcie cards so that we could handle multiple hardware.

Does anyone have a MOI box?

It seems to me, then we could modify the source, or write new source to handle the issues that exist. This way we are not starting from scratch.
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LNBF Sat>IP implementation is very limited for fixed dish installs. Doesn't provide flexibility or hardware future-proofing. Neat concept for limited multi-platform distribution of selected transponders of a single satellite.

Tested the Moi two years and was less than impressed. It does provide more flexibility than a Sat>IP LNBF, but since it is only a Sat>IP distribution device, you still need a PC or media box to control, tune, log and display. You are into the project at least $200 -$400 before getting a computer or media box, adding $150 -$900 more.
Tested the Moi two years and was less than impressed. Since it is only a Sat>IP distribution device, you still need a PC or media box to control, tune, log and display.

Right, its not perfect now, but we could write software to work it. Im okay with Pure Sat2IP. We could write an android app, windows app, HTML app to control and view. You could use an XMBC/KODI box to watch and control on your main entertainment system.

As for price, well, that is true.....
Should the unit be a STB, a server or incorporate both?
Throw in your ideas and let's focus on what we would like to see and think outside the box.... :)
As a first step, we could create a video stream server and a control server running on a low-power device located indoors (vs. on the dish). Once we got this minimum necessary capability working well, we would obviously want to add additional capabilities -- perhaps direct HDMI output for handling 4K.

The control server would communicate with a client running on a smart phone, tablet, laptop, or PC. The stream server would need the ability to downsample the data to a lower resolution in situations where the internet bandwidth is not sufficient for full res.

An advantage of this approach is that you could control the tuner and your satellite dishes from anywhere you had a suitable internet connection. Another advantage is that converting the video stream data to screen pixels would be offloaded to the client.

The concept is similar to the Mini HD SE, except that it wouldn't initially have HDMI output and it would have a control server in addition to a stream server.
Anyway, the above is an overall summary without the hardware specifics. It could be implemented on any suitable hardware with a network interface, a DVB-S2 tuner, and (of course) one which would let us load and run our own software.
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While I wait for the RPi2 to arrive (estimated Feb. 23rd), I have been looking at both the mini ITX and micro ATX boards. Love the mini ITX, but....

While the ITX boards natively support 4K display, I am questioning the limitation of only havng 1 PCIe slot. If a PCIe tuner is used for the project, then upgrading the display with a new graphics card is not possible. Seems like the minimum requirement for future-proofing would be a micro ATX. It is a larger board, but with 3 PCIe slots it would allow expansion and facilitating the eventual 8K display requirement... :)

I am wondering what the target project cost should be? Obviously, we could build a simple unit that meets 99%+ of daily driver needs and wants for less than $200, but what would the project look like if we are looking at a base frame that could remain relevant for 8+ years? What is the $$$ pain point where it no longer makes sense to upgrade instead of discard STBs and replace? At what point does the wish and what if lists cross a reality line for this project?

My personal target device would be quite expensive - A spectrum interface touch screen device with Android viewing/control app via LAN. MPEG2/4, h2.64/h.265, QPSK, 8PSK and 16PSK, CCM and VCM in 4:2:0, 4:2:2 and 4:4:4. The device outputs A/V up to 4K via HDMI and be a server for either demuxed services or complete raw TS. A quad core processor on a mini ITX or micro ATX would be best platform. Estimated hardware cost $600+. Eliminate the 4K/h.265 and the project has much lower build cost.

Comments and thoughts?
The odroid c1 supports h265 and is cheap.

Older kernel though means that it's harder for me to support. All my kernel changes have to be back ported, older kernel, the harder the back port.

Also has gigabit Ethernet.

It's something that when I get home at the end of March I'm going to seriously look into. I also think the $200 price point is perfect. It's not easy but I do think it's doable

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A good price point for my hobby interests here would be $150 to $250. A RPi2 sounds good right now, but how about in 6 months?
The Micro-ATX sounds like the preferable way to go. But, rather than going cadillac right out of the gate, I would suggest picking a lower end set up so as to have most of the R&D retired. Use the low end for the build and proof of concept, then if someone wants to go more cadillac, then they can, but the cheapskates like me, could continue to run on the lower power set up.

Now, I may a bit to fond of the older lower powered stuff, as I find it hard to justify just why most people need 64 bit and 16 gig of ram. I don't use but small amounts of memory in my day to day work on my desktop and 32 bit does just fine. I know there are some special cases where the 64 bit and lots of ram are needed and used, but most folks barely need what was available 10 to 15 years ago.

That said, my idea is something along the Micro-ATX line with some expansion room and probably just dual core, unless a quad could be had for just a few bucks more. Or, maybe even repurpose an old laptop. As for OS, Linux as it solid and the price is right.
The micro ITX solution is far better in so many ways, it's modular, upgradable, expandable. But not cheap. I really can't see it being done for under $200. A dvb tuner is $80 so that leaves you with $120 for case, motherboard, CPU, ram, HDD. And no portability.

I myself would rather see basic functions and cheap. Talking all sorts of bells and whistles and $600 price tags and it's gonna be a very limited # of people testing, working on and building this thing!

Right now I'm wrapped up in two rather intense projects of my own so my only contribution would probably maybe be beta testing and mundane things, but not even that if it comes out to shelling out hundreds of dollars for a test bed to run code on and such.
This looks like an interesting project/concept but I think using the Pi 2 would severely limit it. A7 is a very weak processor. A 900MHz quad A7 won't do what a 1.5GHz dual core A9 can, and those can be anemic for more intensive operations. I haven't tried it myself but from reading up I've seen several mentions of problems with big MPEG-2 streams and handling, like with HDhomerun. If guys have problems with an OTA running an absolute max of 19Mbps I don't think a 40-50MHz MPEG-2 HD wildfeed from satellite would go over well. I'm assuming the guys with problems have the original Pi but I don't see a small A7 fully correcting the problems.

Someone mentioned mATX platform above. I think something like that where a guy could go cheap or soup it up based on needs and budget would be a better solution rather than being stuck on a limited platform like the Pi2 right out of the gate.
Funny, I was looking at the same one and trying to figure out which processor to pair. Excellent path to 4K!

I have a few cases just waiting!

So I got out a measuring stick and started looking at the "Titanium ITX" HTPC idea. Would a LGA1155 core i5 quad with Intel Graphics on board be enough graphics power? This would allow you to put a tuner in the PCIe slot. It's a tight fit but I think we can squeeze in an SSD and a Slim DVD drive. I'm still trying to see how the cooling fits into the picture. This may be tighter than a "low profile" case.
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Got mine a few weeks ago and I love it over the B+, although it is a lot more picky on power. If it dont like the power supply your using you will see a rainbow box in the top right of your screen every once in awhile. :)
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Yeah I have read that you have to make sure you are using a good power supply, especially if you plug in a full size keyboard and mouse.
Will fire it up in a bit and do some testing with it. Looking forward to seeing the performance boost.
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