HMM: 115,000 not 190,000 & 51:49 Blu-ray

BD Forum BOGO Promotional cost = $20 * 100,000 = ~$2,000,000

HD DVD PRG Promotional cost = $150,000,000 for Paramount exclusivity

By my calculations, Blu-ray comes out about $148 million ahead on this one :rolleyes:
I know you can't honestly believe what you typed here, too many intangibles as a result of this exclusivity, it's a really stupid argument throwing the entire $150m in a comparison to a single pomotion from the BD group which lasted how long? 2 weeks?

$150m for 18 months is 8.3m/month... 2.08m per week...

You generally have insightful/meaningful posts, but this one surprised me.
To date Spideman 3 income $336,279,383 and setting records for first day opening all over Asia and Europe. Transformers $298,144,000.

So why would Spiderman3 not be as big a draw for BD fans as Transformers was for HD-DVD?

The only reason I can see is because there are so many more titles for BD that folks want then there is for HD-DVD and that is the only reason.

Spider-Man made all it's money early, when people were still thinking (hoping) it would be good, based on the first two movies. Unfortunately, it sucked, and now everyone knows it... Personally, I own both of the first two movies but probably won't buy 3 on any format...
I know you can't honestly believe what you typed here, too many intangibles as a result of this exclusivity, it's a really stupid argument throwing the entire $150m in a comparison to a single pomotion from the BD group which lasted how long? 2 weeks?

$150m for 18 months is 8.3m/month... 2.08m per week...

You generally have insightful/meaningful posts, but this one surprised me.

The difference is that BD won't have to spend $2M-$3M every week for the next 18 months to win the sales war. They did it once to counteract one title - even if they did it a couple more times in the next 18 months, they'll still be way ahead, even with the intangibles.
Kind of frustrating, because this is a logjam that forum wrangling won't make go away. It's he said/she said short of a legal inquiry into Paramount for misleading investors if that's even an option given this is so tiny in the grand scheme of things.

It's a fact that the 3rd party actual sales #'s reported are accurate.
It's a fact that they extrapolate from that what the total sales are.
It's a fact that Paramount has been called out on this and maintains their numbers are correct.
Blu-Ray will not keep the lead for long with all of the sub $200 HD-DVD players out there now :) Now that they are dropping below $200 they will sale alot more player, I am considering finally getting one. The more HD-DVD players sold the more titles that will be sold.....
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Blu-Ray will not keep the lead for long with all of the sub $200 HD-DVD players out there now :) Now that they are dropping below $200 they will sale alot more player, I am considering finally getting one. The more HD-DVD players sold the more titles that will be sold.....

It hasn't worked yet:D
Before I start let me say I own both formats.

Can one of you Blu Ray supporters explain to me why exactly you want that format to win?

The format is not finalized. The only player that seems to work consistantly with new releases is a game machine. The players are outrageously priced. Do you really want your product to be so exclusive the normal consumer can't buy it because it costs too much?

I'm sure I'll hear how Blu Ray has the potential for all kinds of stuff because of disc space, Java, etc., but when is all of that going to be realized?

Seriously, I haven't updated the firmware in my HD-A1 for a long time, but every time a new Blu Ray Disc comes out that uses some "new" feature of Blu Ray Java or BD+ protection, I'm downloading an update for my Samsung BDP1000. It's not a big deal for me, but don't ya think all of this should have been pretty much finalized BEFORE three generations of players were sold?
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Can one of you Blu Ray supporters explain to me why exactly you want that format to win?

Simple. I already own it. If they both ultimately provide great video and audio and I already have a stake in the game on one side, I want to feel like I'm on the winning side - otherwise, I have to explain to my wife why I need an HD-DVD player at some point down the road... ;)

I see the flaws on both sides, but it's much easier to be objective when you already own both and will win either way.
Before I start let me say I own both formats.

Can one of you Blu Ray supporters explain to me why exactly you want that format to win?

The format is not finalized. The only player that seems to work consistantly with new releases is a game machine. The players are outrageously priced. Do you really want your product to be so exclusive the normal consumer can't buy it because it costs too much?

I'm sure I'll hear how Blu Ray has the potential for all kinds of stuff because of disc space, Java, etc., but when is all of that going to be realized?

Seriously, I haven't updated the firmware in my HD-A1 for a long time, but every time a new Blu Ray Disc comes out that uses some "new" feature of Blu Ray Java or BD+ protection, I'm downloading an update for my Samsung BDP1000. It's not a big deal for me, but don't ya think all of this should have been pretty much finalized BEFORE three generations of players were sold?

I see nothing wrong with delaying obsolescence, example, PS3, this machine has performed flawlessly for me and I primarily rent all my BLU RAY and DVD movies from netflix.
I have performed all the updates and Sony keeps improving the performance and adding new features with each update.
Who would not want the latest and greatest?
And personally, I think at some point in the future they will add much more functionally to this HD player/game machine so for me, BLU RAY offers the most bang for the buck. I don't mind spending more money for an item which I feel will deliver performance and reliability for many years to come. Cheaper is not always better.
For me, I do not care about the PIP and commentaries ect, so finalization does not bother me, but for others it's a must have, to each their own.
I think ONUOsfan said it best, we all want to feel like we made the best decision of format/player so we voice our support either here or in some other form. And by the way, you really should update the firmware in your Tosh to get maximum enjoyment:D
I can say why I want the BD format to win. Higher bandwith capability. More space on the discs. More headroom to offer features with down the road. More studio support. The BD movies are always less money! PQ is on par with HD-DVD and BD offers PCM uncompressed where you are lucky to get a HD-DVD movie with a lossless audio soundtrack. No trick discs like the HD-DVD/DVD combo that keeps being a hit and miss item. Some work fine and others do not. Studio support is great and there are more manufacturers of product (and not cheap knockoffs from China) that are quality players then just from Sony. I have a choice -- with HD-DVD it is Toshiba -- buy a XBOX360 or a piece of junk Chinese player -- everything I have ever bought that was made in China by a Chinese company has been a piece of junk. Just wasted money - -- but that is my personal experiance and belief not neccessarilly any one else in the BD camp.

And last but not least -- anything M$ dips their big greedy hands in I am against -- period! Just like most HD-DVD supports hate Sony. M$ might rule my PC but they are not going to rule the rest of my entertainment!
I have a choice -- with HD-DVD it is Toshiba -- buy a XBOX360 or a piece of junk Chinese player -- everything I have ever bought that was made in China by a Chinese company has been a piece of junk. Just wasted money - -- but that is my personal experiance and belief not neccessarilly any one else in the BD camp.

FYI JoeSP, the PS3 is assembled in two places on this earth and one of them is China.:eek: Where was your Playstation 3 manufactured? - Page 2 - AVS Forum

You are quickly becoming the prime reason BD should lose the format war.
Seriously, I haven't updated the firmware in my HD-A1 for a long time, but every time a new Blu Ray Disc comes out that uses some "new" feature of Blu Ray Java or BD+ protection, I'm downloading an update for my Samsung BDP1000. It's not a big deal for me, but don't ya think all of this should have been pretty much finalized BEFORE three generations of players were sold?
Ummm yes :rolleyes:
Let's face this like a man. Sony knew they had the better format during the VHS/Beta wars but all the titles were on VHS and Beta lost out period. Now most of the desirable titles are coming out on BD and it is showing in total disc sales. And if just half of those PS3 owners were to buy BD movies you would see the differance between BD and HD-DVD grow quickly.

Sony didnt lose the BetaMax because more movies came out on Beta. It was one simple thing.VHS could record longer. And the chairman of Sony at the time refused to budge on BetaMax 2hr record time on an L500 tape. Business schools studied the whole Sony-JVC battle

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