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New Member
Original poster
Nov 5, 2003
Anyone know what this is? It has a 22khz swich signal, but does not receive 119. Possibly EABC? I cant find any information from Hughes.

As long as I am asking, how about the D7?
CCS said:
Anyone know what this is? It has a 22khz swich signal, but does not receive 119. Possibly EABC? I cant find any information from Hughes.

As long as I am asking, how about the D7?

Maybe it's not a multi-sat receiver? How old is it?
as far as i know the d-models are not multisat compatable. i know the d-1 d-2 are not. The e-models i believe is when they became multi-sat compatable
I think this one is similar to the HIRD-C2 model. That was the one that was capable of rcving "ethnic" programming. I know they had Russian channels, probably some Japanese. They got this signal from G3R (i think), on a linear polarity LNB. This was before dtv got the 119 signals going.
D-5 is a non-multisat compatible model that was part of the multi lingual offering. It's slightly bulkier that an e-1/e-2/e-6.

E-1 and e-2 are multisat, e-6 is multisat and multilingual.
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