Finally updated my mini-mac to High Sierra yesterday, seems faster, even windows 8.1 with parallels is pretty zippy....
Make sure you change High Sierra's root account's missing password! Oops...
How to enable the root user on your Mac or change your root password to change your Root password. Also, it is suggested to Disable the Root account afterward.
The important metric will be how fast Apple announces an updated testing regimen to avoid such extinction-level failures as this. On the iOS side it took a couple of days after the "I" bug fix was announced that the correct operation of the on-screen keyboard should be fully tested key by key. Still no word on the it/is bugaboo that the iFix appeared to have introduced.Fix available now via the App Store. That was pretty quick.
Got a new Macbook Pro today... first new laptop since 2012.
I can't believe the sound quality difference between the 2012 and the 2017.![]()
And the Fix apparently broke File Sharing... Apple Shares Fix for File Sharing Issues Following macOS High Sierra Security UpdateFix available now via the App Store. That was pretty quick.
NaOH said:99 little bugs in the code;
99 little bugs in the code.
Take one down, patch it around;
117 little bugs in the code.
They were much more careful back in the day. Fast forward to 2017 and all notions of that have pretty much been laid to rest on both the Mac and iOS platforms. Now you have to treat Apple stuff the same way you would treat Microsoft stuff and work around the stupid things that Apple has done through a painfully obvious lack of testing. Most *nix-like operating systems won't allow you to set a blank password for any account much less the all-powerful root account.I thought Apples were shield from these vulnerability.
Here's a Reuters report regarding Apple's commitment to audit MacOS product testing:The important metric will be how fast Apple announces an updated testing regimen to avoid such extinction-level failures as this.