And knowingly paying to support a company that is actively screwing me is any better? You have got to be kidding me....
Look, like i stated earlier, i'm not happy about my present company not supporting the artist. However, I wil continue to support that company monetarily because that's the only thing your stupid corporate greedy nazis understand (oh btw these are the same people who were successfully sued in class action for price fixing of CDs and that all you had to do put your name in if you bought any CD before 1996 I believe, so don't give me that crap about how they look out for your interest or the interests of the industry as a whole). It would be different if I were saying, let's just steal the music which is completely not the case and nobody gets paid a damn dime. Quite the contrary, i'm a supporting a business model thats consumer friendly and drum roll........ MAKES A LOT OF MONEY!..... What part of that you don't get I have no idea. I support this business model because it completely fair to me first and foremost (ie. no DRM period......) and second because if i don't your stupid corporate greedy and power hungry nazis will never change. The part you still haven't got is the what if: News flash - the record companies adopted the new business model, because gasp.... god forbid that technology changed around them. They could be rolling in cash (hell, if nothing else my music purchases went way up). The modus operandi here is simple "adapt or die" and in this case means being fair to your artists and your consumer. My god, if you gave 8 cents to aritist, seven cents to yourself, and 2 cents for site upkeep/overhead costs (which in comparison to your business are practically nill), you'd make a killing. Now admittedly, you would have to trim some of your corporate staff, actually pay the artists what they are worth (which you haven't done historically), oh and give the consumer back his full rights/power over the product he purchases, but your record companies are too stupid to see that because they are obsessed with greed and power which is something they can't let go off. So, consumers have to burn them down, until they change and everything goes back to equilibrium and everybody gets paid and everyone is happy.... It's not that hard a concept.....