High Def Owners, what TV do you have?

Some of you guys have some TV's and Projectors that are very nice.
I am drooling.
56" Samsung DLP HLT5676S in living room with 622 and hugeass cabinet for wife.

61" Samsung DLP HLT6176S in bedroom with 622 for me with full setup.
Like my sig says, on a 92"er :D

Living room hdtv is a 57" rear projection 2004 Toshiba and in my bedroom I have a 26" tube top hd Toshiba from 2005. My next upgrade will be LCD flat screens and no more rear or front projection or tube top tvs. Toshiba has one great feature that makes it a top seller. IT makes all sd shows look much ,much, better over an hdtv than most tvs on the market.
Samsung LN-S4696D 46" 1080p LCD panel family room
Sony KDF46E2000 46" 720p LCD RP game room
Dell W3201C 32" 720p LCD panel master bedroom
51" CRT RP In the Bedroom.

720p 50" DLP RP and LCD projector (100" ) in the Living Room (720P)

42" CRT RP in the guest room.

720P DLP projector (106") in Theater.
Sanyo PLV-Z5 & Da-Lite HC Matte White in the Den @ 106"

Sanyo PLV-Z3 & Elite Home Cinema MaxWhite in the Kids' Playroom @ 84"

Hitachi 65" (UltraVision 65x500) in the Master Bedroom

Insignia 37" LCD in the Home Office
Toshiba Regza series (four of them) 46 or 47" can't remember-being fed componet HD through CE Labs componet video distribution amps from my Pansat 9200 HD. Each tv has it's own digital tuner from my over the air HD uhf (two stacked uhf yagi's)with pre-amp.

Mitsubishi Laser

HDMI to Component

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