Hi from the "Police State" of Ont, Canada

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I dont think the OP is coming back, just someone stopping at every site to make some personal political statement.


I wonder what percent of posters at this site make one post and are never heard from again. It should be possible to run a routine to figure that out- no second post for the year following the first. But then, that's probably of more interest to Scott than anyone else.
So your upset that your cable company wants to upgrade your old cable modem to the current docsis standard?
No I was and am complaining that in canada the telecommunications are self regulating and f_-k the sh_t out of their customers with the lowest quality of residential HS internet in the free world. As a network engineering student I know what I am overpaying for vs. actual performance.
The new modem did nothing,a complaint to theCCTC got me three free months and service improved briefly. They overshare connections, so speeds are much better late at night. I pay for 24/hrs/day. Oh well I guess it is to be expected in a country whose mercenary forces in Afghanistan support Presidink Obummer's health savings by having their officers shoot wounded insurgents to save medical expenses.
No I was and am complaining that in canada the telecommunications are self regulating and f_-k the sh_t out of their customers with the lowest quality of residential HS internet in the free world. As a network engineering student I know what I am overpaying for vs. actual performance.
The new modem did nothing,a complaint to theCCTC got me three free months and service improved briefly. They overshare connections, so speeds are much better late at night. I pay for 24/hrs/day. Oh well I guess it is to be expected in a country whose mercenary forces in Afghanistan support Presidink Obummer's health savings by having their officers shoot wounded insurgents to save medical expenses.

holy :eek:. a response almost 3 years later.:shocked
I am kind of surprised that you can respond three years later.

You can, but you have to click the checkbox acknowledging that your post is ancient. :)

I got confused seeing this thread - with all of my participation in it (and then realized when it was written!). :D
No I was and am complaining that in canada the telecommunications are self regulating and f_-k the sh_t out of their customers with the lowest quality of residential HS internet in the free world. As a network engineering student I know what I am overpaying for vs. actual performance.
The new modem did nothing,a complaint to theCCTC got me three free months and service improved briefly. They overshare connections, so speeds are much better late at night. I pay for 24/hrs/day. Oh well I guess it is to be expected in a country whose mercenary forces in Afghanistan support Presidink Obummer's health savings by having their officers shoot wounded insurgents to save medical expenses.
You do realize that the slow downs and maxed connections have nothing to do with being a Canadian issue but are a world wide industry problem found in every modern country. I have a blogger I follow in Tokyo on a 100mbs Hikari line from NTT and he has slow downs from time to time.

Have you also ever considered that your sluggish speed issues may have something to do with the cabling in your home or the splitters or connections? There are several different reasons why you could be experiencing speed issues between your house and the tap and other possibilities between the tap and the station. Then again there's also another possibility which is your computer and how its set up and then theres the router if your using one and if its wireless and your using that there's potential issues, maybe you should look at more than just one potential and work on what you can yourself.

And seriously what does cable speeds have to do with politics and do you really want to get into nation and military bashing because it would be really easy to tear apart Canada so lets not go there.
hmmm, if your paying $56 a month then your not paying for the 8meg package. $59 is the average price for cable companies to charge for 3meg cable internet without any other service. I have issues loading satelliteguys but not to your extent, mine tends to be a delay of 5 - 15 seconds each time I select a link though its mostly during the morning and middle of the day.
I pay $29 for 8 mbps thru my cable company and consistently get 7-8 mbps. Where did you get the "average" price from? Maybe I just have a great cable provider. My city owns the cable company. I get dsl, tv and VOiP for $119/month.
Return every three years, stir pot.

Thank you. See you in 3 years. Please. As in, sooner is not required nor is it desired.
I pay $29 for 8 mbps thru my cable company and consistently get 7-8 mbps. Where did you get the "average" price from? Maybe I just have a great cable provider. My city owns the cable company. I get dsl, tv and VOiP for $119/month.

City owned cable services will have lower prices, one of the Detroit suburb cities that I did some install work in had full on cable for $24 a month. Factor out the government owned media services and that price from 3 years ago was about average.
It took him three years to respond but you know what, he was still "In Before the Rey"... by 16 minutes :D Sorry, I don't know you that well, but could not resist.
:mad::mad::rant::rant::rant: LOOK WHAT YOU STARTED HERE RAMY!!!!!!!:mad::mad:

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NASA and the Russians (started by satguys member Frank Jr)

Polish president and others die
