Hey VOOM We need NBATV-HD... There are lots of HD Basketball...

This was one of the channels that was hidden in their channel lineup when the website first launched. Maybe it'll be here this season.
Walter L. said:
As I suggested last month, VOOM should use their last HD channel slot (before the extra capacity is in place) for NBATV-HD instead of NFL-HD. Come on VOOM!!!

Walter....unless I am missing something NFL-HD is not on VOom, though I could be wrong. It is one of the reason I left. Promises not kept.
Madtown HD Junkie said:
Walter....unless I am missing something NFL-HD is not on VOom, though I could be wrong. It is one of the reason I left. Promises not kept.
It's not and I'm glad because it means that there is hope that VOOM can add NBATV-HD on time for the beginning of season next month.
Hey Walter, do you think we will ever see a Jail Blazers game in HD? The few times KGW attempted it with Paul Allen's defunct HD company were a disaster.
DarrellP said:
Hey Walter, do you think we will ever see a Jail Blazers game in HD? The few times KGW attempted it with Paul Allen's defunct HD company were a disaster.
Back then I didn't have HDTV, what happened? what went wrong?
Paul Allen started up an HD satellite service but could never get any coverage. He had 1 or 2 HD mobile trucks built and since he owns the Blazers, they attempted several times to air the local games in HD but they could never make the downlink work properly so we missed out.

As far as I know, they only broadcast HD to a few sports bars and that was it. He was way ahead of Mark Cuban, I guess he just couldn't market it properly or he was too far ahead of the curve.
NBATV-HD over inHD

According to this AVS thread, all NBATV-HD games will be broadcast over inHD. Man, I wish we have either inHD or a direct NBATV-HD channel. Come on VOOM!!!
Walter, I don't watch much NBA...wish I could let you borrow my INHD channel for the next 6 months. Well, at least I won't be missing any NHL Hockey on VOOM this year due to the strike. :) What am I saying! :no

Best Thing About Dropping VOOM

IS Voom is a Fair Weather HD Satatlite System?
