all i did was i posted what i got in a email fron dish this morning and i wanted to let you guys know about it first.
Good post, to let us know, I had never heard of Ray before. Just happens there aren't a lot of folks that happen to want one. Good information though.all i did was i posted what i got in a email fron dish this morning and i wanted to let you guys know about it first.
A Harmony remote can run up to $325.
You can buy a Harmony remote for $80
The Dish Explorer and Dish Anywhere apps are free as well.If you have a iPhone Dow load a program called SimpleControl. It offers most if not all those features and i believe it's free.
The Ray Remote supports Wi-fi, IR, Bluetooth and ZigBee, so it isn't a shrinking violet in the capability department. Your contention that it doesn't support RF or Bluetooth wrong where the Hopper is concerned.No RF or Blutooth capabilities for $200.
Another 880 user here as well. Forgot how long I've had it, it's been that long. The charging cradle however bit the dust LONG ago. Luckily there are cheap charging wall warts for it available at amazon and a couple of new batteries have helped too. Never any complaints from the fam (even my wife) about the Harmony.For those unfamiliar with Harmony remotes...there are several models of Harmony remotes...ranging from $80 (I've seen on sale as low as $50-60 before) up to $300+ models depending on what you need/want out of it. If you only have a few devices, like TV, Cable/Sat receiver, DVD/Blu-ray, the cheaper model will control everything fine. I still use the old 880 model that I've had for years, which was the high-end when it came out. I bought two of the least expensive model (650) for my parents who aren't terribly tech savvy, and they've been a Godsend. Both for their sanity AND mine!