Do you own or manage a bar or restaurant? If you do, you probably know this:
If you're like most bar and restaurant operators, you put in DIRECTV service a while ago. It might have been 25 or more years ago, and you might even still be using the same equipment from your HD upgrade in the late 2000s. After all, if it ain't broke, right?
I just gave you a list of three very positive things. But, there's another side to this, and it's worth pointing out these two things:
I never feel super comfortable saying it, but it's a fact: the world of pay television is shrinking. Satellite TV was the darling of the 2000s and 2010s, but people tend to stream while they're at home now. Streaming isn't allowed in commercial environments, though. You still need a source of live TV that gives you the right to show it in a public space.
Because residential pay-TV is less of a "sure thing" than it once was, a lot of dealers have gotten out of that business. That's bad news if you relied on a dealer for your business that's no longer doing pay TV.
The other part of that is the equipment. As I said, DIRECTV boxes are ridiculously reliable. There's 15-year-old equipment out there that's doing as well as the day it was built. Generally speaking you don't need to worry too much about your DIRECTV boxes. They may glitch occasionally, but it's rare. And when it does glitch, a press of the red button brings it back quickly.
While that's great, it means that you're locked into that 2010-era tech at a time when there's so much more available now. Today's DIRECTV receivers are more reliable, more energy-efficient, faster, and they even do 4K! DIRECTV now has a receiver specifically designed for commercial customers, meaning no more "residential hand-me-downs." If you're still using older equipment, you're missing out on the full experience.
You probably haven't called your DIRECTV dealer in years. Why would you, if everything still works? But if you're ready for an upgrade, you might be in for a rude awakening. That dealer may no longer be there. So what can you do then?
If you've been orphaned by your DIRECTV dealer getting out of the business, we can help! Signal Connect is a nationally-recognized DIRECTV commercial dealer, one of the nation's largest. We can help you upgrade, fix service issues, and make sure you're getting the right programming package. We offer our services free of charge and we'll even help you find an installer in your area who's qualified to make any changes you need to your system.
Note: We are part of the DIRECTV Commercial Dealer community. We're not trying to "poach" anyone from an existing dealer. But if you're in need of a new dealer because yours isn't around anymore, we're here for you.
When you're ready to upgrade your system, I encourage you to talk to your existing DIRECTV dealer. We don't want to take food out of their mouths. But if it turns out that dealer isn't around anymore or doesn't do DIRECTV anymore, here's the next step you need to take.
Call the experts at Signal Connect. We've been doing DIRECTV for over 20 years and we have the experience you need in commercial environments. Our team can talk to you about the newest and best upgrades you'll want. We can also help you get great cell phone service in the bar and restaurant, something your customers demand. Let us help you with all of the tech you prefer not to worry about. We'll make it easy.
It all starts with one call to 888-233-7563. We're here for you during East Coast business hours. If it's after hours, just fill out the form below! We'll get back to you quickly.
The post HEY BAR OWNERS: Do you know who your DIRECTV rep is? appeared first on The Solid Signal Blog.
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- You probably subscribe to DIRECTV for your bar.
- DIRECTV is still the only way to get NFL Sunday Ticket in a commercial setting.
- DIRECTV equipment is incredibly reliable, lasting years and years.
If you're like most bar and restaurant operators, you put in DIRECTV service a while ago. It might have been 25 or more years ago, and you might even still be using the same equipment from your HD upgrade in the late 2000s. After all, if it ain't broke, right?
Here are two more facts you need to consider
I just gave you a list of three very positive things. But, there's another side to this, and it's worth pointing out these two things:
- The number of DIRECTV commercial dealers has shrunk in previous years.
- You could be working with DIRECTV equipment that's more reliable and more capable than what you have now.
I never feel super comfortable saying it, but it's a fact: the world of pay television is shrinking. Satellite TV was the darling of the 2000s and 2010s, but people tend to stream while they're at home now. Streaming isn't allowed in commercial environments, though. You still need a source of live TV that gives you the right to show it in a public space.
Because residential pay-TV is less of a "sure thing" than it once was, a lot of dealers have gotten out of that business. That's bad news if you relied on a dealer for your business that's no longer doing pay TV.
Thinking about the equipment
The other part of that is the equipment. As I said, DIRECTV boxes are ridiculously reliable. There's 15-year-old equipment out there that's doing as well as the day it was built. Generally speaking you don't need to worry too much about your DIRECTV boxes. They may glitch occasionally, but it's rare. And when it does glitch, a press of the red button brings it back quickly.
While that's great, it means that you're locked into that 2010-era tech at a time when there's so much more available now. Today's DIRECTV receivers are more reliable, more energy-efficient, faster, and they even do 4K! DIRECTV now has a receiver specifically designed for commercial customers, meaning no more "residential hand-me-downs." If you're still using older equipment, you're missing out on the full experience.
What can you do if your dealer isn't around anymore?
You probably haven't called your DIRECTV dealer in years. Why would you, if everything still works? But if you're ready for an upgrade, you might be in for a rude awakening. That dealer may no longer be there. So what can you do then?
If you've been orphaned by your DIRECTV dealer getting out of the business, we can help! Signal Connect is a nationally-recognized DIRECTV commercial dealer, one of the nation's largest. We can help you upgrade, fix service issues, and make sure you're getting the right programming package. We offer our services free of charge and we'll even help you find an installer in your area who's qualified to make any changes you need to your system.
Note: We are part of the DIRECTV Commercial Dealer community. We're not trying to "poach" anyone from an existing dealer. But if you're in need of a new dealer because yours isn't around anymore, we're here for you.
Here's the next step you need to take.
When you're ready to upgrade your system, I encourage you to talk to your existing DIRECTV dealer. We don't want to take food out of their mouths. But if it turns out that dealer isn't around anymore or doesn't do DIRECTV anymore, here's the next step you need to take.
Call the experts at Signal Connect. We've been doing DIRECTV for over 20 years and we have the experience you need in commercial environments. Our team can talk to you about the newest and best upgrades you'll want. We can also help you get great cell phone service in the bar and restaurant, something your customers demand. Let us help you with all of the tech you prefer not to worry about. We'll make it easy.
It all starts with one call to 888-233-7563. We're here for you during East Coast business hours. If it's after hours, just fill out the form below! We'll get back to you quickly.
The post HEY BAR OWNERS: Do you know who your DIRECTV rep is? appeared first on The Solid Signal Blog.
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