Date shows 7/28/97 (From a Radio Shack research list)
I'm pretty sure that should be '87, not '97
Date shows 7/28/97 (From a Radio Shack research list)
Man I love it when the good ole' days of C-Band pops up... First run when they first started used the old Sony decoder so all the voices were pitched way up and they used a funky video inversion system everybody looked like an x-ray... Select TV was still around up until around 1989 when they gave up the ghost so to speak... By the end of their service life they were showing educational videosIn the late 80's there was First Run PPV on F2 and the Zap channels on S2 also.
I actually was selected to be a beta tester of the first GI VCII module and VideoPal order recorder. After the test I was able to keep the equipment for free. I sure miss those days and all the great programming.
Remember these? All came from my BUD in the 80's (from old VHS Tapes)