Help with streaming 4:2:2 feeds on Galaxy 16

When I go to plugins, extensions on my Edision I am seeing vlcplayer listed as available for download. I never tried it though so don't know what it's capabilites are in Enigma 2.
I think I discussed this on legitfta. Unless a software decoder that could process 4:2:2 streams were available on the e2 version of VLC. Highly not possible. Unless of course a 4:2:2 capable chipset were built into the receiver. Looking in the Advanced Prefs.>Video>Output modules in the pc version of VLC I'm seeing YUV output. That's what I think is handling 4:2:2. So data streaming over a network could perhaps (guessing so) send just data pre video decoder bits and leaving the destination device to handle it and provide the info. to the decoder.
Such was the case months back when NASA UHD changed something in the 10 bit format and suddenly the mio and webif>VLC couldn't even give video. Until the codec was installed in a pc. NASA reverted shortly after.
I could be wrong.


YUV 4:2:2 (I422/J422)


Like I420, I422 has one luma plane Y and 2 chroma planes U, V.

However, in I422, chroma planes (blue and red projections) are sub-sampled only in the horizontal dimension, still by a factor of 2. Thus, there is the same amount of lines in chroma planes as in the luma plane.

For a 2×2 group of pixels, there are 4 Y samples and 2 U and 2 V samples each. The depth is 4×8+2×8+2×8=64 bits per 4 pixels, so 16 bits per pixel.

Some video codecs support I422 (optionally) for higher quality video encoding.
Are there any 24/7 ITC/FTA 4:2:2 to test with? I am not aware, as i haven't played with 4:2:2 in years. If there is one, please let me know satellite, and transponder and SID information.

ABC 99W and CBS 97W I don't have transponders at my fingertips but you'll find them on blindscan
Forgot I had a FireTV cube 2nd gen (S922x) buried in the closet. ABC 4:2:2 feeds streamed from the OS Mio 4k playback correctly although I'll tell you in advance the default audio track needs to be changed. CBS 4:2:2 feeds are choppy with dropped frames. I don't have an Nvidia Shield but that would be the next device to try.
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