Thanks Digiblur. Does it matter what city I would pick? I'm near Louisville, KY.
Of course it does... the ones on 110 and 119 are spotbeamed.
Time zone is also another factor.
Thanks Digiblur. Does it matter what city I would pick? I'm near Louisville, KY.
So I see where Louisville SD is coming in on 110. What city should I pick if I want to stay on eastern time zone? I'm just looking to pick up the networks in HD so I can record more than one network show in HD at a time.
Not sure what you are asking. Pick a city in the Eastern time zone.
This is also based on what type of satellite dish installation you have. Do you have 129 or 61.5?
No. You will still get the guide info for the actual OTA channels from where your receiver is hooked up.Would I lose my OTA from the guide since my locals would change?
I thought it would matter which city I picked. So I can pick any city in the eastern time zone and be good. I think I have 129. I'm real new to Dish.
If you get 129 your only choice for Eastern time zone is Atlanta. If you can configure it so you can pick up 61.5 you have a choice of Philly, Washington, New York, or Boston.I thought it would matter which city I picked. So I can pick any city in the eastern time zone and be good. I think I have 129. I'm real new to Dish.
I posted while you posted. But Nashville is Central.Narrow it down even more based on your eastern time zone and you have your choice between Nashville and Atlanta.
Yes, you will lose your current SD locals unless the CSR accidently leaves both markets turned on. It happens a lot. I think there is even a thread where you can engineer this to happen by the way you move.I'm thinking of "moving" to Kansas City, MO.
Looks like the locals there are on a ConUS beam on the 129 so shouldn't be a problem there.
Will I lose my current Dish locals (non-HD) if I move, or will the KC locals just be added to the guide?
Yes, you will lose your current SD locals unless the CSR accidently leaves both markets turned on. I think there is even a thread where you can engineer this to happen by the way you move.
Another thing to note is your SD receivers will probably lose their locals since most of the SD locals are spotbeamed.
I only have the 722, any way to know if Kansas City-HD locals will stay ConUS?
So the 61.5 NYC locals are not spotbeamed correct?
I wonder if they would wonder about WV being my billing still.. lol
I do have two homesNot yet. You do have two homes right? :up Just have your bills sent to your main home in WV.
I do have two homes... Are there plans of NYC to be spotbeamed?