OTHER Help New To Free Satellite TV First KU Band Dish Setup

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Also, have you tried blind scanning? It can help to blind scan, move the dish a bit, then blind scan again. Repeat this changing azimuth or elevation a very little each time. Maybe your dish pointing for some reason is just not accurate.
Thanks so much for your help! I have tried blind scanning, but unfortunately, without luck.
To add to the previous posts:

Chicking the azimuth direction: On Dec 17, 97W should be at the same azimuth as the sun, at about UTC 19:09 hours (at 40.7N, 74.0W).
Source: Satellite Look Angle Calculator
Just subtract the difference of your local time with UTC, to find your local time.
(Put some string or some tape from the top of the dish to the LNB, and then at the proper time, the shadow of that string/tape should be exactly at the center of the dish.)

Does that seem about the angle that you have for your dish, ATM?

Signal strength on your photo indicates there is a good LNB connection.
12152H20000 is indeed on 97W, according to lyngsat (but I cannot confirm, myself).
So I see nothing wrong, on those points.

Can you maybe take one or more pictures of the dish, from the side, and from the front? So that we can have an overview of how that looks like?

Thanks so much for your help! I truly appreciate it! That sounds very interesting! Certainly haven't gotten to try that as of yet!
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OTHER Dish Humor

OTHER Question about LNB position
