Help ... Multiswitch causing problem with local channels

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Oct 20, 2004
Hello All,
I'm not even going to pretend I know what I'm talking about, so I'm going to attempt to explain my problem in hopes that someone out there can lend some assistance.

I currently receive my local channels through the satellite signal and everything has been working fine. Until I decided to grow a brain and want to add a 4th receiver to the mix. I went out and bought a 3x4 multi switch and wired it accordingly. Everything appears to be working great, however now my local channels give me a message that says "channel not purchased ... call customer service" ext 721. After speaking with Direct TV and them trying to re-download my receivers, they gave up.

My dish has 3 wires coming from it into my house and my receivers are just regular non-HD cheapies (Samsung's and Direct TV).

I'd be happy to give more info if somebody has any ideas. Thank you in advance.

Degoman, welcome to Satelliteguys!! We're glad you're here.

What type of dish do you have? (round, oval)

Where are the three wires coming from on the dish? Do you have a dual LNB or if it's Oval three LNBs?
I wish I would have found you guys 5 days ago ... Anyhow, my dish is oval with 3 LNB. The 3 wires coming in from the dish are not connected to any box or splitters, etc. They are coming directly out of my dish into my home.

Ahh, this explains your problem.

If you look on your dish, if it's the one with the 3 LNBs in one casing (this is called the Phase-III dish) it has a 4 port multiswitch built in.

The reason you aren't getting your locals is because the multiswitch isn't hooked up to your other multiswitch properly you aren't getting the 119 satellite which locals are on.

If you only have the 4 receivers you don't even need the extra multiswitch. Just hook all 4 cables into the LNB assembly.

Hope this helps.
Thanks Jason! However when you say the LNB assembly, where is that? Is that at the Dish? If so, are you saying that I can connect a 4th RG6 and run it into my house?

The LNB assembly is what's on the end of the dish. It has the 3 white round things on it. You basically take that off the end, feed a cable up through the arm and out the end, screw it on the 4th un-used port, screw the LNB assembly back on the arm and you're done! :)

We're here to help!! :)
If you need any help with doing this just ask!! I frequent this forum quite often and am always here to help out. This forum is full of great people always wanting to help out.
Take the 3x4 multiswitch back to the place where you purchased it, and get your money back.

There are four outlets with a built-in multiswitch in a phase III oval dish. There are two 8-32x1-1/4" long phillips head machine screws and keps star lock washer nuts attaching the lnb assemble to the dish arm that extends to the front of the dish. Take the machine screws and nuts off and pull the lnb assemble out. You will see the coax "F" connectors connected to the lnb. Other than a need for a grounding block, each of these connections go to one receiver feeding into the back of your set top receiver.
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