This is how my house tvs are currently set up. I've also acquired a 722k and 211k if this helps the current setup. I realize I can ditch the 322 and get hd in another room for $2 more a month, but a bunch of stuff would have to be re-wired I assume. Does anyone know how much it would cost for dish to come and rewire everything?
Family room has a 722.
Gameroom has a 222.
Bedroom 3 has a 322.
The wireless adapters are these, they are hooked up to the 722 and 222 via composite cables, so the wireless tvs can watch the second tuner of either receiver. The wireless tv in the gameroom has to stay wireless, as it is on an outside wall, and due to the roof design, we are unable to run coax/ethernet down it. The second tuner tv in the gameroom has a coax from the gameroom and family room second tuners, so depending on which channel the tv is on decides which receiver it is watching. There is a home run in the master closet that sends coax to all current rooms with tvs except for the secondary tvs in the gameroom.
I would really like to make more of the tvs HD (primarily the master and maybe bedroom 2), and I was trying to hold out on the Sling Receiver 300, but it seems as if it is going to be a pipe dream long term.
Not all bedrooms are full, and at the most we have a max of 5 different shows on at once. Looks like Hopper and Joey are probably going to be my best bet for upgrading, a couple of questions I have. What is the max number of Joeys a single Hopper can feed? I realize there is a limit to the number of tuners, but that isn't necessarily the same as the number of feeds able to be sent out to Joeys, is it? Also, it is probably too early to ask this, but do you think it will be possible to output hdmi and composite simultaneously on the Joey? Don't really want to buy an additional receiver just to set it in the corner and stream the wireless via the composite.
Also, has anyone heard any kind of estimates on release date for these new receivers?
Thanks again for taking the time to read!
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