Help Downloading Coolsat firmware

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sidekick said:
Unzipping may have been the problem. I switched from my laptop to the desktop (that I know has winzip) Thanks to everyone who helped (and W_Tracy in the P.M.). I finally got it! Just don't ask me to write a book about it, as I'm still not sure what transpired !! lol I'll leave that to the pros like W_Tracy, Shawn, et al. Thanks again everyone

You are welcome, but I must correct you-I am not a "pro". :)
sidekick said:
Thanks Shawn ... I guess I'm just not used to updates making things worse. I used to be able to blind scan, now I can't. The channels/sats are messed up, etc. If I had more hours in the day to play with it to remedy someone else's problems it wouldn't be so bad. Oh well, it's late, perhaps I'll feel differently in the morning. I wouldn't bet on it - but you never know.

I'm not exactly sure why you are having problems but I can assure you that the blind scan is much improved in the 1.3 firmware. I agree about the "positioner moving" thing but I can live with that.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
You are welcome, but I must correct you-I am not a "pro". :)
I have to second that in my case too. I just like this stuff a lot and am relatively a newbie! I started out in FTA earlier this year.

We have some real Pros (literally work in the biz!) here around the forums and their knowledge and experience is nothing short of awesome.

Shawn95GT said:
I have to second that in my case too. I just like this stuff a lot and am relatively a newbie! I started out in FTA earlier this year.

We have some real Pros (literally work in the biz!) here around the forums and their knowledge and experience is nothing short of awesome.


And a third...:)
I think part of my frustration is that this FTA episode brought back flashbacks of my switching from DOS to Windows many years ago. I remember having to completely reformat my computer three times. Now, i must admit that that whole process made me understand my computer much more so than before. I'm sure that these dilemmas will only help me to better understand FTA. I also must admit, as Shawn stated, part of the fun (and pain) is trying to figure this stuff out. I think I'm turning into an FTA addict. Is there an organization like "Sat-Anon" to help us out? lol ... Seriosly though, I'm really enjoying the highs and lows of this hobby. I ended up doing a reset on my system and the blind scan now works. I also noticed that I seem to be getting better signal strength. I have no idea if its due to the 1.2 firmware. Further, I think some of you guys "are" Pros!! Taking the time to help someone who's trying to learn, makes you pros in my book! Now, if I could only understand why on AMC3 I'm getting a quality signal in the high 70's on 12096 but still can't get PBS...... It's just never-ending, but in a strange way, I like it!
FTA can be frustrating at times. Just remember that FTA is not a service you are buying like Dish Network or DirectTV. As consumers I think we get locked into a critical mindset. We expect and demand the best for our money, and rightly so. But FTA is a whole different game and should be taken for what it is-a great way to enjoy non-traditional programming with no monthly fee.

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Not picking up during blind scan

Possibly looking into a new fta reciever - any ideas?

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