Hello, Hello You'll. New To The C - Band Game

Please reply by conversation.
It is like haven' apple pie after dinner on sunday. The C Band requires a big dish and newest gear because it has been for so long the cable guys best new channel monitor. All channels, or most, on c band today want to play their best production; as a real format; now U-HD (makes my STB still the last till next). Every channel in free to air mode is their original broadcast production, and the rest look like a Moto cable company picture, seriously cable has had the most and bandwidth; but no FTA (except at the studio) until the c band dish works with a motor using its power supply only what the 4dtv is good for (there may be analog their's). I like have used multi-sat digital FTA for over 20 years -> c band for 30+; the old, most busted up satellite dish that still works by command line only lot's of lnbf's (A SW), myself today; because I am that old; and no longer can manually push many big boy's around; and instant HDTV on HD+ is what I get using it (better pictures; best production quality). Now, digital local tv broadcast's are really the best because of their studio's (PBS vs. Discovery); why not others?

Motor's come in flavors today; the old ones are the strongest because they had to be; and driving any "motor" is really dangerous, androidial; and needs proper care and high maintenance; like a race car compared to an old vw bus.
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I don't want to sound off or rude so I apologize if I have or had come off that way. 1st of all, reading everyone response I'am more confused then ever about C -Band / BUD

Let me try to be a little more detail and clear with my questions

1st. I respect everyone opinions snd advice, please don't get it wrong I respect that the majority if not all of you are light years ahead of me regarding C - Band / BUD systems

As it concerns buying a brand new dish vs. getting a old / used dish

To me it's just my personal preference. It's nothing against you guys that have found a used dish and refurbished yourself but my personal preference is a brand new dish. Plus, I don't have the time, patients or the DIY skills to get a used dish and refurbished it. I just don't have the DIY skills to pay the bills

As it goes for putting the dish up myself and tune it up myself, again I don't have those skills and I would be nervous and scared that I would break something or screw something up.

I have been lucky to track down a local installer that has experienced in the C - Band / BUD and is willing to work with me and help me out installing my dish and system. I would be right there with him every step of the way and learning everything I can while he is installing the dish

Next item, HITS ( 4DTV ) vs. FTA channels. I've read in some of the old post that some of you'll do subscribe to HITS threw Programming - Center and some of you'll are strictly watching FTA channels on C - Band

I'll be completely honest, I'am torn between getting HITS or just a dish and picking up just FTA. If I get HITS or even FTA it would not replace any t.v. service I have or would have in the future. I'm getting a C - Band / BUD system out of pure love for the industry / hobby. Just like the majority of you'll I love C - Band and want to see everything be done to save it

I just get the feeling reading some of you'll replys that you'll are trying to steer me completely away from even getting a dish. I just have that feeling so I do apologize for this

I have 2 handicap brothers that I take care of so me getting a C - Band / BUD dish and system would not be replacing my current t.v. service now or in the future. My brothers love there t.v. shows, I'm only getting a C - Band dish for myself only

I respect everyone opinions but when I mentioned in my original post, alot people say it's a waste of time and money to subscribe to HITS. I figured that a new person coming on board that is going to spend money on this hobby would much appreciated but I didn't get that feeling

Anyways sorry for the long winded post but I hope I may myself a little clearer

Again, thank you'll for allowing me to be apart of this awesome group
As it concerns buying a brand new dish vs. getting a old / used dish

To me it's just my personal preference. It's nothing against you guys that have found a used dish and refurbished yourself but my personal preference is a brand new dish.

What we are trying to explain to you is the fact that there are NO new consumer American made mesh dishes available anymore. The only one I know of is a solid dish manufactured by Anderson Mfg. and those will go well into serveral thousand dollars. If you have that kind of coin to spend on a new hobby, go for it. Otherwise, you can get some Chinese made piece of crap, if you can find one, and it will probably do good to last a couple of years. If you want a GOOD, REASONABLY priced (sometimes free) dish, find a used one.

Next item, HITS ( 4DTV ) vs. FTA channels. I've read in some of the old post that some of you'll do subscribe to HITS threw Programming - Center and some of you'll are strictly watching FTA channels on C - Band

I'll be completely honest, I'am torn between getting HITS or just a dish and picking up just FTA. If I get HITS or even FTA it would not replace any t.v. service I have or would have in the future. I'm getting a C - Band / BUD system out of pure love for the industry / hobby. Just like the majority of you'll I love C - Band and want to see everything be done to save it

I think you are confused about HITS, it is not and never was intended solely for the DTH (direct to home) market. Those few channels that The Programming Center still offers, are unlinked by Comcast and are intended for small cable operators. Eventually they are going to force those operators to upgrade to a newer version of DigiCipher II receivers, and those channels that are uplinked will no longer be available or able to be received by 4DTV.
You are neither helping nor hurting C-Band by subscribing or not subscribing to HITS. Also, as has been stated many times before to you, there have been no new 4DTV units made in well over 10 years. However, that being said, if you have unlimited funds available, and want to waste your money on an overpriced SDTV service, it is certainly still currently available for you to do so.

I just get the feeling reading some of you'll replys that you'll are trying to steer me completely away from even getting a dish. I just have that feeling so I do apologize for this

We are only trying to make sure you understand what FTA is and what to expect from it.
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Welcome to SatelliteGuys!

Tons of free FTA channels with a C-band dish and you will probably love the hobby.

Unfortunately, Andersen is no longer manufacturing satellite dishes. DH Satellite has great quality dishes:

I would suggest a Venture actuator motor:

For the LNBF, a Titanium Satellite C1-PLL :

An ASC1 dish positioner:

An Amiko A3 for the receiver ($25 rebate for a few more days!):

All the above equipment is quality new gear that will last for years and provide great selection of free programming.
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Probably should have "popped out" my thoughts in response, but responded IN the quote. Hope that's not inconvenient....click on the quote to read.

I don't want to sound off or rude so I apologize if I have or had come off that way. 1st of all, reading everyone response I'am more confused then ever about C -Band / BUD

Let me try to be a little more detail and clear with my questions
As it concerns buying a brand new dish vs. getting a old / used dish

To me it's just my personal preference. It's nothing against you guys that have found a used dish and refurbished yourself but my personal preference is a brand new dish. Plus, I don't have the time, patients or the DIY skills to get a used dish and refurbished it. I just don't have the DIY skills to pay the bills

We all LOVE having new people here, we're just trying to tell you that, ECONOMICALLY you're better off used in most cases. If you buy "new" you're likely to invest the equivalent of at least a year's worth of (small) reasonable subscriptions to cable or a subscription dish system.

As it goes for putting the dish up myself and tune it up myself, again I don't have those skills and I would be nervous and scared that I would break something or screw something up. I have been lucky to track down a local installer that has experienced in the C - Band / BUD and is willing to work with me and help me out installing my dish and system. I would be right there with him every step of the way and learning everything I can while he is installing the dish

If you have mechanical aptitude at all, and DECIDE to get into C-band you'll find it rewarding. If not, and with NO disrespect intended, FTA is not "for" you. It's a hobby; part of which is the "hunt" and the "alignment" fun, which is usually required a couple times a year to keep a system running well, not much different than a tuneup on your car. Another good point is that if you have found a BUD installer familiar with what FTA is all about, re-habbing an old dish is not a problem to him, and you'll STILL learn as you observe....while saving money! Any installer familiar with BUD systems will most likely be excited to share knowledge tips, and ideas!

Next item, HITS ( 4DTV ) vs. FTA channels. I've read in some of the old post that some of you'll do subscribe to HITS threw Programming - Center and some of you'll are strictly watching FTA channels on C - Band I'll be completely honest, I'am torn between getting HITS or just a dish and picking up just FTA. If I get HITS or even FTA it would not replace any t.v. service I have or would have in the future. I'm getting a C - Band / BUD system out of pure love for the industry / hobby. Just like the majority of you'll I love C - Band and want to see everything be done to save it

Getting C-band out of love for it? There's NO better reason! Excellent! You're in the right place with the right people! HITS is a nice option for watching "certain available" channels which may fit your tastes. I was a huge advocate of it, subscribed for quite a long time on a DSR-410 and on a 4D receiver both at different times, but the ECONOMIC model of this system is not likely to see expansion of services, or even eventually 'support' for it. Those who provide the actual "hits" to your box (the programming center folks and skyvision) are GREAT to work with, but they're operating in an HD world with SD channels and limited income to support the system. Their SD is very nice looking however, and exceeds many "local" SD broadcasts on terrestrial TV for quality. It IS an option if you're already going to have a system for "other" uses installed. Again, look for good USED receiver here so your investment is less if they decide to discontinue service. user WallyHTS can steer you in the right direction if you seriously want a good quality inexpensive HITS receiver.

I just get the feeling reading some of you'll replys that you'll are trying to steer me completely away from even getting a dish. I just have that feeling so I do apologize for this.

I didn't get that feeling at all from the other posts. People here WANT new hobbyists. We all have our stories, but the "common" model here is that our hobby would be very expensive and out of the range of most of us if "all new" dishes had to be used. When it comes to the LNB's, Movers, and Receivers, the post by user and retailer "Titanium" is spot-on. New INDOOR equipment and LNB's are very affordable, more so than EVER in the satellite industry for consumers, and if you CAN afford a new C-band dish, go for it! I think the overall message is simply "caution" in case you find FTA is not for you, again to reduce your investment dollars lost if you abandon the hobby. We ALL want you to be successful, enjoy FTA and, to contribute your stories, pictures, and questions to this site!

I respect everyone opinions but when I mentioned in my original post, alot people say it's a waste of time and money to subscribe to HITS. I figured that a new person coming on board that is going to spend money on this hobby would much appreciated but I didn't get that feeling

Your investment in new equipment is appreciated by folks like Titanium who are not overseas "shippers' but rather actively involved in the hobby. It helps to tell them that there is enough interest to continue developing hobbyist and C-band products for us! As far as HITS goes, yes, you're supporting them, and they'll VERY much appreciate it, but...the time clock ticks on how long they can keep the programming agreements going as prices FOR the programming rise to them as a "small" supplier of programming, and as hardware for reception ages and becomes harder to fine. BEST source of that hardware is probably other users here, on Satguys.

Anyways sorry for the long winded post but I hope I may myself a little clearer

NO apology needed on this site for "long winded" posts. it's a WONDERFUL group, probably the most polite and helpful you'll ever find for this industry, and perhaps the BEST of the web! We're glad you're here...(and no, I'm not staff, I'm just another member.) As you tell us more, you will also help yourself to decide what you want "out" of your system the most, and that will contribute to your selecting the best hardware to accomplish your viewing goals.

Again, thank you'll for allowing me to be apart of this awesome group
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I appreciate everyone responses and thoughts. It seems like FTA is the way to go for C - Band / BUD since most don't know how much longer HITS / 4DTV is going to last

I've done a little bit of research and from what I was able to gather is sometimes you can get lucky and pull in on FTA a major network channel like CNN, TBS, Tru - T.V. and Food Network. My question is this to you'll the experts, is this true or false? I know from FTA you can pull in a channel, watch it for days, weeks or months then it be gone. Has any of you'll had any luck pulling in a major channel?

Also, can somebody please list out every item I need for FTA?

As I've said before, getting a C - Band dish would not replace any t.v. service I have today or in the future

Also, a couple of other questions. ( 1 ) Is the bigger the dish the better signal you can pull in? I plan on buying a 12 ft. mesh dish. Is a 12 ft. mesh dish a great dish for FTA? ( 2 ) I've not spoken to my installer friend in a little while that is going to help me install my dish but I want to ask here is do we need to install the dish at the southern sky like Dish and DirecTV then once I we get everything hook up, I can start scanning the earth?
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Hey belt fan my name is Dan I am mini bud user of c band welcome to the site. Its rough getting started in this hobby but its fun and rewarding. If you need help just ask me or anyone else they help to.
Hey belt fan my name is Dan I am mini bud user of c band welcome to the site. Its rough getting started in this hobby but its fun and rewarding. If you need help just ask me or anyone else they help to.

I appreciate that, I'm pretty new to all this so I'm just trying to get my feet in the water
I had rough time at first but it is better to start out in ku to get familiar with satellite dishes. I have some favorite channels about 40 scattered around on different satellites. My mom hated this hobby but then started watching some shows and liked it.
( 1 ) Is the bigger the dish the better signal you can pull in? I plan on buying a 12 ft. mesh dish. Is a 12 ft. mesh dish a great dish for FTA?
Yes, bigger is better for signal reception.

( 2 ) I've not spoken to my installer friend in a little while that is going to help me install my dish but I want to ask here is do we need to install the dish at the southern sky like Dish and DirecTV then once I we get everything hook up, I can start scanning the earth?
Yes, the more southern visibility the better. In NW Louisiana, now may be a pretty good time to watch where the sun tracks in the sky and do a site survey. It tracks near to where the satellites are. The sun is probably a little higher than the satellites but you can still get a good idea of where they are in the sky. Everywhere you can see the sun (you're not in shadow) the dish could probably see the satellites.

I don't want to sound off or rude so I apologize if I have or had come off that way. 1st of all, reading everyone response I'am more confused then ever about C -Band / BUD

Let me try to be a little more detail and clear with my questions

1st. I respect everyone opinions snd advice, please don't get it wrong I respect that the majority if not all of you are light years ahead of me regarding C - Band / BUD systems

As it concerns buying a brand new dish vs. getting a old / used dish

To me it's just my personal preference. It's nothing against you guys that have found a used dish and refurbished yourself but my personal preference is a brand new dish. Plus, I don't have the time, patients or the DIY skills to get a used dish and refurbished it. I just don't have the DIY skills to pay the bills

As it goes for putting the dish up myself and tune it up myself, again I don't have those skills and I would be nervous and scared that I would break something or screw something up.

I have been lucky to track down a local installer that has experienced in the C - Band / BUD and is willing to work with me and help me out installing my dish and system. I would be right there with him every step of the way and learning everything I can while he is installing the dish

Next item, HITS ( 4DTV ) vs. FTA channels. I've read in some of the old post that some of you'll do subscribe to HITS threw Programming - Center and some of you'll are strictly watching FTA channels on C - Band

I'll be completely honest, I'am torn between getting HITS or just a dish and picking up just FTA. If I get HITS or even FTA it would not replace any t.v. service I have or would have in the future. I'm getting a C - Band / BUD system out of pure love for the industry / hobby. Just like the majority of you'll I love C - Band and want to see everything be done to save it

I just get the feeling reading some of you'll replys that you'll are trying to steer me completely away from even getting a dish. I just have that feeling so I do apologize for this

I have 2 handicap brothers that I take care of so me getting a C - Band / BUD dish and system would not be replacing my current t.v. service now or in the future. My brothers love there t.v. shows, I'm only getting a C - Band dish for myself only

I respect everyone opinions but when I mentioned in my original post, alot people say it's a waste of time and money to subscribe to HITS. I figured that a new person coming on board that is going to spend money on this hobby would much appreciated but I didn't get that feeling

Anyways sorry for the long winded post but I hope I may myself a little clearer

Again, thank you'll for allowing me to be apart of this awesome group

I hope you are succeeding; the many people here; all the best product's and recommendations have a place because you wanted info about it and because of you, they are; and it is delivered soon; I hope you find the channels you are looking for. Channel questions are very touchy; but the channels you get and want should determine what you get; or must have; as equipment is ordered. A complete system; basic, w/$tv 4dtv motored (it also has analog positioner that is best still today; and analog channel); or not; for the most channels; or "every" channel you must get the better equipment or newest receiver too. New C Band dishes like a Channel Master 10' may be around still in England (Australia); or the Chinese 10' will do the same thing; it is how long it will last where you live that determines this also; as mountain's are different than deserts; as are coastal's to Kansas. I live in the wind; and rain; I know about the weather; and it is a very large factor in purchasing; so I recommend trying to purchase a locally not-working anymore still standing one if you are in the weather; and the Chinese mesh one for newness and cheapness (solid dishes (and last forever, or until the wife gets it) are the best and most costy old or new) for instance my birdview 9' solid is going for 5000 after re-hab.
Please reply by conversation.

Wire Suitable for Positioner Pulse Monitoring

Here Is The Dish Find I Was Speaking About The Other Day

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