I just hate to see fellow members go through the frustration with the receiver.
Sad to hear that people are still suffering over the 3500 receiver.
I would have thought that by now people would have seen the truth.
The 3500 receiver may be good for a single satellite reception but it is definitely not a receiver for any FTA BUD hobbyist!
I did not fault Brett for exposing that the receiver was not a quad core receiver as advertised, and while I bought my receiver from Brian who I did not fault for this but it became apparent that Eugene was the one responsible for all that occurred.
Yes he ran over all the dealers by trying to hide his actions on what he told them was in the receiver.
On August 1st Sat AV posted,
"we have not advertised it as any core. We promote features not specs. Now, dealers did promote specs, not manufacturer."post 215
Then he threw those selling the 3500 under the bus saying that they were responsible for the misquote and they should change the advertising. Post #217
Then Sat AV stated: "We have sold over 4000 receivers. The first batch came with 16Gb and small number with 128Gb drives." Post #273
That certainly conflicts with the statement of the receiver only being in development stage.
I guess 4000 other users were being silent about their experience with the STB? Funny that no one had heard of the unit before June 2015, but 4000 users have been supposedly putting up with all of these problems?
Yes he attacked me and others who kept tying to get answers and fixes that he could not do properly, and I do not think he ever fixed many of those issues.
His response was he would have a new receiver called "Rex" that would fix those issues.
This type of response was unacceptable in my book and I was like "
I trust the members of this forum like N6BY & .Raine as they had gone above and beyond in trying to make things a bit better for others.
After the way Eugene treated me I would never purchase anything from him ever again nor would I ever trust anything he ever says.
I know I am not the only one who feels this way.
This should not reflect back onto the dealers who were misinformed.
Brian (Titanium) refunded what I paid for my receiver even though I did not ask him to.
Maybe if others took a page out of his book and use it in their dealings then there would not be this type of harshness on those who appear to be only out there to take your money and run.
Like some I did like the fact that the receiver picked up the Music Choice channels on 125W but that is where it ended and it did not justify the price.
Now I can use my Azbox and receive the DMX channels FTA on 105W.
I do not believe the problem with the 3500 receiver showing programs on the wrong frequency was ever fixed like what was going on at 101W with certain channels.
There was a list of other issues that I won't rehash but hopefully someone else will locate a new receiver that will do more and have much better support than what was given on the 3500.
I do agree, it was a true fiasco and some of the honest dealers took a bath on it as well, as they took care of those who bought from them and did not leave them hanging on their own!
I also agree that one huge mistake with the 3500 was that it was not tested and tried out with several FTA enthusiasts before it's release to the public. Doing so would have caught many problems and caused far less hassles and could have saved Sat AV's reputation which he lost IMO!
Brett, you have helped countless people here by what you did and exposing this receiver as a fraud. Many did not have to go through what we (those who bought the receiver) had to go through.
I don't know if I would have done anything different since it exposed the real truth. That was done within the first 5 pages of that long thread.
Now I hear that by the end of summer Jeff from Manhattan might have a new 4k receiver coming out to market.
I am not all that familiar with this company but maybe this might work out for us a bit better.
The Amiko Quad did not live up to expectations and could not do what was required or once again there were not enough of them out to fully test as the 1 test unit could not see the different satellites required to fully test., The only other unit was foolishly ruined when they magnetized the receiver playing around with it and destroying it completely.