HDTV OTA Receivers


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jul 11, 2006
My father in law has an Pro Brand Digital Stream HD3150Plus receiver that works very well. I was trying to find one for myself but Circuit City no longer carries them. Any one know where this unit might be available or comparable receiver in the $200 price range? Any info is appreciated.
To be honest with you I would not waste my time and money right now on the dated/used techology out there.

It would be best to look at the new samsung DTB-H260F for a few dollars more...about $170. The unit has the latest software enhancements and is available at best buy and circuit city.
To be honest with you I would not waste my time and money right now on the dated/used techology out there.

It would be best to look at the new samsung DTB-H260F for a few dollars more...about $170. The unit has the latest software enhancements and is available at best buy and circuit city.

Just got my DTB-H260F today. Hooked it up did a channel scan and wow 20 digital channels. The best I could do was 6 channels with my Dish 211. Been putting it thru its paces and so far very satisfied.

HD OTA station not filling 16:9 screen

Need fiber distribution

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