Hdtv Dish Network Costs Help!!!!!


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Original poster
Jun 5, 2004
I am a current Dish Network NON-hdtv user. I want to upgrade. Now I know that i need a new receiver, but do I need a new dish as well??? I have a bunch of questions:

1) DO I have to get a new dish?

2) DO I have to pay more per month over what I am already paying? If so, generally how much??

3) What are the upgrade costs???

there is no great place on the internet to find this info. dish networks site is vague at best.

Answers to your questions:

1. No you do not need a new dish to receive HD programming from Dish Network. If you have a Dish 500 or Superdish already, no need to get a new dish.

2. To get HD programming yes, you have to pay more per month. Dish network has their HD pack for $9.99 per month, which includes ESPN-HD, HDMOVIES, HDNET, DISCOVERY HD, and newly added TNT-HD. Just add 9.99 to you bill every month.

3. Right now for existing customers, you can get the Model 811 HD receiver for $99.00 if you agree to a 1 year commitment and Credit card autopay. Not a bad deal! Just did it myself! : )

Hope this helps!!!


unaslob said:
I am a current Dish Network NON-hdtv user. I want to upgrade. Now I know that i need a new receiver, but do I need a new dish as well??? I have a bunch of questions:

1) DO I have to get a new dish?

2) DO I have to pay more per month over what I am already paying? If so, generally how much??

3) What are the upgrade costs???

there is no great place on the internet to find this info. dish networks site is vague at best.

thanks matt, for some reason I thought I had to pay $999 for the whole upgrade. so hundred bucks for the receiver and about 110 for the year. It seems that there are only a few HD channels though, or are those the extra ones that you get on top of what you allready have???

the $999 package is for those people who do not have a HDTV. That package includes a HDTV, the model 811 HD receiver and satellite dish with installation. In your case, if you have a HDTV already, no need to get the 999 package. The package only comes with those channels I listed. However, you can use an over the air antenna and you can get your local channels in HD as well at no cost to you since its on antenna.

unaslob said:
thanks matt, for some reason I thought I had to pay $999 for the whole upgrade. so hundred bucks for the receiver and about 110 for the year. It seems that there are only a few HD channels though, or are those the extra ones that you get on top of what you allready have???

As an addendum to answer #1 above: You WILL need a 2nd dish, if you don't already have one, to receive CBS-HD.

Keep in mind that you will only be eligible for CBS-HD from Dish, if you live in an area served by a CBS-owned station (as opposed to an independantly-owned CBS affiliate) AND it will cost an additional $1.50, if you don't already pay for Dish Locals.

However, you may be able to pick up your local CBS HD channel OTA, so CBS-HD from Dish probably won't even be necessary.
I'll bite b/c I am new. but wtf??? why does CBS require a different dish (I would love the techinical reasons with bits and peices of sarcasm!) Unforutnately I dont get a good antenna signal at all. what is the added cost of the additional dish???

Don't know why CBS-HD lives out on 61.5 & 148. I'll WAG that it's so that it'll be on the birds that carry the rest of the network HD feeds once they're available (I can dream can't I :D).
Is it only $99? I thought it was $199 for the existing customer 811 deal.

Well, I'll fess up on the CBS-HD wing satellite deal. First off keep in mind that the space on the Dish 500 satellites are "valuable" and the space on the wing satellites is "cheap". Back when HD was rare, they kept all of it on the wing satellites since not many people purchased it. Like international channels or low power locals.

Now when Dish decided that HDTV was going to become "important", they moved the HD channels from the "cheap" wing satellite space, to the Dish500 space. But since few people qualified for CBS-HD, they decided to leave that and the Dish HDTV Demo channel over on the wing satellites.
Some uninformed CAE as they are now called told me 199.00 to upgrade to a 811 fo an existing customer which I am. So after seeing this post I called again and another CAE told me 99.00 so I went ahead and did the upgrade paying the 99.00 with a debit card. Now lets wait and see if I actually get it because if I don't get it for 99.00 I'll send it right back. So buyer beware with Dish CAE's. :no
Very Good I love it better than the real meaning "customer account executive" What a bunch of BS new Titles I'm sure it will help their level of helpfulness :eek:
unaslob said:
I am a current Dish Network NON-hdtv user. I want to upgrade. Now I know that i need a new receiver, but do I need a new dish as well??? I have a bunch of questions:

1) DO I have to get a new dish?

2) DO I have to pay more per month over what I am already paying? If so, generally how much??

3) What are the upgrade costs???

there is no great place on the internet to find this info. dish networks site is vague at best.

1. Probably not but it would help if you told us what dish you have now.
2. If you want the HD package it will cost you about 10 bucks more/month.
3. You already are aware from the above posts that the 811 is relatively cheap for current customers.
Your biggest upgrade cost, by far, will be a new HDTV. They range from around $1000 for a (heavy) tube type to $10000 for a top of the line plasma with a whole bunch in between. My choice was a Samsung 46in DLP TV.

You might add where you live. If near a large city you might get all the HD you want OTA with a simple settop or attic mounted antenna. The 811 almost handles this easily. People with decent signal strength have little problem with the OTA on the 811 while some, like me, have a b**ch of a time getting a strong enough signal to watch the locals reliably.

CBS-HD is on either sat 65 or 148. One bird over the east coast and the other over the west coast which is why you would need a second dish pointing in a totally different direction than your main dish. If you don't qualify for CBS-HD then it is a moot point.
$99 for the 811 for existing customers? I've been an existing customer for between 6-7 years and had to pay $149 for the 811 (and I've had credit card autopay for at least 4 years). Where'd the $199 price come from?

Once the issues of the 921 settle down (like it running hot, as I've read in other threads)...and they get the name-based issue resolved and the price gets down to a reasonable level, I'll probably upgrade to it.
For the $9.99, you get TNT HD, Discovery HD, HDNet, HDNet Movies, and ESPN HD. That's 5. You also get the demo loop channel, a PPV HD channel, and a Special Programs Channel, which occasionally has a HD sports program. HBO HD and Showtime HD are free with the HBO or Showtime package of regular channels. CBS HD is only available to those that qualify, which has been beat to death in this forum, so I will not go into that again. The 811 also has an OTA tuner, which will receive any local channels that are broadcast in HD in your area. Where do you live and what type of sat do you have.
long_time_DNC said:
$99 for the 811 for existing customers? I've been an existing customer for between 6-7 years and had to pay $149 for the 811 (and I've had credit card autopay for at least 4 years). Where'd the $199 price come from?


It's called "customer service roulette" ... kinda like Russian roulette.
The HD demo loop is only on the 61.5 sat (as far as I know).

I have my 2nd dish looking at 148 (I'm on the west coast), so I don't know what I'm missing (probably not a lot!).

Also, the entry price for HDTV is coming down... Sears has a 26in Samsung Widescreen 1080i HDTV set for less than $600 now!

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