"HDR On" incorrectly with LG Display and Hopper 3

I wouldn't know since remember my H3 would always put the tv in HDR on regardless so I don't know what it looks like with it off. LG should have something on the remote to manually turn HDR off or on since you don't want some hardware or anything else controlling your picture settings on the tv.

You can turn HDR off on the LG but it has to be done very quickly every time the HDR is on pops up go to it with the LG remote and hit the X to turn it off. Not a good option and it's a pain to even hit it in time before it goes away.
Regardless HDR should not be on all the time anyway it should be turned on only if the show you are watching supports it.
You can turn HDR off on the LG but it has to be done very quickly every time the HDR is on pops up go to it with the LG remote and hit the X to turn it off. Not a good option and it's a pain to even hit it in time before it goes away.
Do you just click the scroll wheel on the LG remote to turn it off or do you have to get the cursor on top of the x and then hit the scroll wheel?
OK, I think I found a bypass. I went into diagnostics and told it to do a reset/restart. Once I hit OK for that to start I disconnected the HDMI cable. I gave it about 5 mins to fully boot up and once I reconnected the HDMI to the LG, HDR was gone... Must be something in the boot that triggers the HDR, because as stated, you see it go in and out like twice with the Hopper boot screens.

Edit: Nevermind, that did not work either because my rez was set to 480p...

I am going to try and set it to 720p and reboot instead of 1080i/4k and see what happens.
OK. So setting resolution to 720p instead of 1080i/p 4k, and then reboot, no more HDR...

Here is the key, you need to unplug the HDMI from the tv or H3 onceyou tell it to restart. If you leave it plugged in it still gets a signal during the boot screen that tells it to go to HDR land and not come back...
Well, 720p had some serious issues, was seeing combing on 1080i channels so that was a no go.

In a last ditch effort, I swapped it over from 720p to 1080/4k, and of course HDR came on, and then I restarted the boot process and unplugged the hdmi. Once it booted I am now in 1080i confirmed, with HDR off. I think its that second or third time the Hopper 3 splash screen hits on boot when the issue occurs.

So, if you want HDR off when its forced, tell it to reboot and unplug the HDMI for 5 minutes. Then enjoy...
Im giving it a week, if not fixed they can have this piece of sh*t back.
The TV or the H3? I've not seen anything to definitively place the blame with Dish. Dish works fine with other 4K TVs, LG (I assume) works fine with other 4K capable STBs, let the finger pointing begin.

You might as well give up if the window is only a week. I'd bet the house nothing will be resolved by then.
The TV or the H3? I've not seen anything to definitively place the blame with Dish. Dish works fine with other 4K TVs, LG (I assume) works fine with other 4K capable STBs, let the finger pointing begin.

You might as well give up if the window is only a week. I'd bet the house nothing will be resolved by then.

Its simple, the H3 aint that impressive to deal with all this. Ill gladly take the HWS back. People have this LG connected to plenty of (4K) sources now including the new Samsung UHD player, and the H3 is the only one triggering HDR. Ill put my money on blaming the H3, considering all the bugs it has.

Now that I know a work around, Ill give them longer, maybe a month, since one of the Dirt folks submitted a ticket. To be honest, if they dont have several issues worked out in a month, Ill gladly take a HWS back. I thought Directv was the only one the released crap too early.

The OLED aint going anywhere...
OK. So setting resolution to 720p instead of 1080i/p 4k, and then reboot, no more HDR...

Here is the key, you need to unplug the HDMI from the tv or H3 onceyou tell it to restart. If you leave it plugged in it still gets a signal during the boot screen that tells it to go to HDR land and not come back...

I think you need to turn the tv off before unplugging the HDMI as from what I read, plugging or unplugging the HDMI while both sides are on can actually short the HDMI circuit in the components.
Well, thank god my home don't have the Hopper 3 or any LG TVs, I only have the Hopper with Sling and 2 Joeys and a Super Joey. Plus my home TVs are 2 JVCs, a Sony and a Toshiba TV in my home.

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The only thing is it's costly to go back to the HWS or another other receiver as that was actually something pointed out when I agreed to the upgrade to the H3. I actually have more problems than the HDR which is minor. My EHD which has recordings transferred before and after the H3 was installed from the H2K, when I hit DVR, sources, the EHD shows up except the Space used is correct, except it's not showing all the transferred recordings, there are many recordings missing and even when I select a recording, it knows when I have watched it and how many minutes are left so I can resume or watch from the beginning except when I select either of those, it says waiting for external device to spin-up. waiting for activation. and then there is a ok button, I press it and all I get is a black screen with no audio or video.
Does switching to an SD channel stop it? If so doing that and then going back to HD, does that fix it?
Im honestly just gonna start hitting the red button and unplugging the hdmi 5 mins before I fire everything up every time until it's fixed. Or, unplug it at night when we go to bed and then plug it back in when ready to watch the next day!

Receiver not recording new episodes

Arghhh, I am so frustrated with the H3 timers situation

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