I purchased my first LCD high def TV over the weekend. There was a Comcast employee in Best Buy to talk to about high def. By signing up with him, I should (I'll believe it when I see it) get a $100.00 Best Buy gift card. My options for high def are the $7.00 per month box or the $11.95 per month box with DVR. I understand that the more expensive one would allow me to use a HDMI cable directly from the box to my new television and avoid all the extra cables that would be installed with the cheaper box. The HDMI cable is supposed to give better reception (?) due to fewer cables splitting the signal. However, I don't want to spend $100 for a cable. A few quick searches showed that there are many that are much cheaper. Would those work just as well as the monster high priced cable? Do I need to look for something specific? Any assistance or information you can provide would be appreciated. Thank you!! I'm hoping to call to order either tomorrow (Tuesday, 9/11) or Wednesday.