I have a dish network 722 pointed at the western arc and have a panasonic TC-32LX70, I confirmed on Panasonics website that it has HDCP but my 722 will not accept it's HDCP and it's starting to frustrate me, tried 4 different cables and nothing, what's pissing me off more is that TV2 which as NOTHING to do with the problem is giving this message as well which is the most annoying. (to be blunt I want to smash this POS against a wall because of this stupid HDCP requirement) (seriously considering leaving dish) why should I buy new hardware when everything was fine a couple weeks ago, seriously dish? What where you thinking? Do you enjoy pissing off customers or is this the new norm? I like dish service but this is pretty difficult to swallow? Please tell me you have a solution in place ?!?