HD Tivo and 921 comparisons

Kryspy said:

I made my decision long ago. Stick with a good HD receiver and build yourself a future proof infinite upgradeable HTPC to do all of your recording.


Amen to that brother. It's the 1 option that beats all of them out there right now. But most folks don't have the knowledge, or time to play with an HTPC.
As far as the keyboard goes. The 921 is basically a PC so why not have a keyboard?

Anyone know if there will be a standalone TIVO offering? Or are they only doing it in conjunction with DTV? Just curious.
I have an HTPC that records in SD. I understand the MyHD card will record OTA in HD. But what about HD from DISH or VOOM?
StevenD said:
I have an HTPC that records in SD. I understand the MyHD card will record OTA in HD. But what about HD from DISH or VOOM?
Yes, please! Does anyone know of a reasonably priced HD capture card? DVI or component. And of course, I'll need an appropriate HD graphics card, too.
GaryPen said:
Simon - Check out the Yahoo Group "HDTV-in-SFBay". They recently had a couple of threads on that very topic. IIRC, there are two brand/models that are preferred, each having it's own good and bad points. I can't remember their names.
Thanks - I'm digging through there now.
Yes, please! Does anyone know of a reasonably priced HD capture card? DVI or component. And of course, I'll need an appropriate HD graphics card, too.
No reasonably priced DVI/component capture cards exist.

You can either give up the DVI/component capture or give up the the $$$$. You can buy a 921 or DirecTivo HDTV for 1/3 to 1/6 the cost.
Ken F said:
No reasonably priced DVI/component capture cards exist.

You can either give up the DVI/component capture or give up the the $$$$. You can buy a 921 or DirecTivo HDTV for 1/3 to 1/6 the cost.
Yeah - you're right. :( I was hoping to find something to use to offload my 921, and there's no joy out there.