Yeah, but how much of that $20 or $23 goes to the programming suppliers. Probably, most of it. Dish is still making money off of every subscriber.
You don't know that. Between overhead, fixed and variable costs including programming, they could be just breaking even or even losing a little just to keep the subscriber numbers up with the Welcome Pack. They don't advertise it and don't offer it unless someone specifically asks for it or threatens to cancel. Now it appears if you complain about Welcome Pack prices or channel offerings, they just point you to the door instead of giving any kind of discounts or concessions.Dish is still making money off of every subscriber.
they just point you to the door instead of giving any kind of discounts or concessions
Five years (The last increase was in 2013.) This year's increase was the first time that the increase was less than $5. Previously, Dish would go five years without any increase on Welcome Pack, and then raise the price by $5 per month. (Welcome Pack started out at $14.99 per month (including locals) in 2008, and then went up to $19.99 per month in 2013. The other wrinkle is that Welcome Pack was originally available without locals for only $9.99 per month. However, in 2011 the locals were force-bundled with the package, resulting in another $5 per month increase, but only for those who were not already paying for locals, or those who previously had Locals-Only for $9.99 per month and were switched to Welcome Pack instead.) In late 2015 (at the start of this thread) HD feeds of most of the popular channels were added to Welcome Pack with no price increase, until this year, when the price only increased by $3 per month. So, still not a bad value.How many years was the Welcome Pack at $19.99? Can't be much profit there, knowing how often channels raise rates.
When I cancelled, they didn't offer anything. The rep asked if anyone else could take over the contract (I had a month left). I explained I was going streaming only, and she started to get a little rude and short while processing my cancellation. She didn't attempt to sell me the welcome pack.. no additional discounts... nothing. I wasn't really looking for any additional discounts, but the way she talked to me put such a bad taste in my mouth that I don't think I'd ever go back to Dish if anything changes.
Moral of the story... maybe they try to keep some people with the welcome pack, but they didn't try with me. Maybe I got a rep in a bad mood or something.
Was your complaint that you're paying too much and do not watch more than just the locals? If that wasn't it, they likely wouldn't offer it. That would come off to many as an insult, especially after paytv has built this notion that you will just get a credit if you complain loud enough.In the 20 or so years I've had Dish, which has been off and on, I don't think they ever used the Welcome Pack as a retention offer to me. They usually offered discounts for a certain number of months, or free premiums for a certain number of months.
I can honestly see cable going the way of the dodo a lot sooner than satellite. In areas where people can have cable and/or high speed internet, with no caps, encourage more cord cutting. Rural areas will have very limited choices, and high speed no caps may not be anywhere near what it needs to be for them to go streaming. Satellite still has a clientele to serve. Cable is more for those who just don't want to go only streaming and have a fear of satellite right now. I'm guessing the older generations, mostly.
hmm sounds good about philo.I've been using Philo for a couple of months. We used it for the DVR until DirecTV Now gets a DVR. Works great! It's only available on Roku and the web at the moment (Apple TV coming soon) and there's no grid guide on the Roku app, but it works very well for what it does. And it's cheap!
The last time I checked, CBS All Access is only offering a one-week free trial. However, the trick is to accept the one-week free trial, and then immediately go to cancel your subscription. At that point, they will offer you one month for free to keep you, in addition to the free week you already had.anyone heard of the cbs plan for 5,99 streaming service.?
could be a good supplement also and if you do have amazing prime you can use cbs all access that is included.
Stream Live TV, Sports & News with Free Trial of CBS All Access
The last time I checked, CBS All Access is only offering a one-week free trial. However, the trick is to accept the one-week free trial, and then immediately go to cancel your subscription. At that point, they will offer you one month for free to keep you, in addition to the free week you already had.![]()
The last time I checked, CBS All Access is only offering a one-week free trial. However, the trick is to accept the one-week free trial, and then immediately go to cancel your subscription. At that point, they will offer you one month for free to keep you, in addition to the free week you already had.![]()
Has anyone renewed their $5 per month Movie Pack? If so, did you lose the Epix channels or did you keep the grandfathered Epix channels?
Our $5 promo Dish Movie Pack which we had a few times automatically continued to the $10 regular price Dish Movie Pack. So far we still have the Epix channels.