I have a family member who recently got set up with a DirecTV satellite system (about 5 months ago). 4 TVs including two HD DVRs & two standard receivers. I believe their HD DVRS are HR-21s (not totally sure, but will check later to fully make sure) & I noticed how they allow you to hook them up to a phone line so caller ID information can be displayed on the screen when an incoming call is received. I would like to fully set them up with this feature, but had two questions concerning it before I get some possible needed equipment:
- Will the on-screen caller ID feature work with a VOIP carrier? They have Vonage as their phone carrier & it essentially runs off their internet service. I wasn't sure if this feature would still work with this or if it had to be a traditional land line phone service (like their old AT&T).
- If so, can a Wireless Phone Jack system be used as well? The location they have a main HD DVR receiver (living room) is not directly near a phone jack & I thought about using something like the [ame="http://www.amazon.com/RCA-RC926-Wireless-Phone-Jack/dp/B00000J08Q/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1250603702&sr=1-1"]Amazon.com: RCA RC926 Wireless Phone Jack: Electronics@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71MZ8MME17L.@@AMEPARAM@@71MZ8MME17L[/ame] system to help extend their main line more conveniently . Is this doable as well?