HD DVD Standalone Player Sales Nearing 500,000

Here's how I came up with my math.

Blu-ray players at least 2.3 mil -
HD DVD players 500,000 -

About 5 times more Blu-ray players, right?

Year to date software indicates that Blu has sold about twice as much. Blu-ray Disc Sales Lead HD DVD by Nearly 2:1 YTD; Q4 Crucial For HD DVD | High-Def Digest

Looks like 1 disc per player average for Blu and 3 discs per player average for HD DVD

5 times the players but only twice the software sales.

Sure seems like more sales per player for HD DVD to me.

I don't understand why this is such a confusing concept?

Are you counting the total number of PS3s sold in North America? Why when we all know that less then half are used as a BD player. Because if everyone who owned a PS3 purchased 1 BD title a month that would be by your count 2.3 million BD discs sold a month. Lets see how that breaks down in actual sales?

I am using the numbers from the Home Media Research:

Blu-ray outsells HD-DVD in U.S. for first 9 months | Reuters

2.6 mil for BD. 1.4 mill for HD-DVD. Lets just double HD-DVD 3rd quarter which was 605,000 sales and ad 1,210,000 to HD-DVDs numbers and you come up with 2.6 mill for the year.

Now lets use your 2.3 mil and each BD owner only buys 1 BD a month going into XMAS. That is 2.3 x 3 months = 6.9 mil sales added to the 2.6 mill gives us 9.1 mil BD sales to 2.6 mil HD-DVD sales! Man, if I use your math teamericson BD is going to absolutely slaughter HD-DVD this XMAS!!

Get a little more reallistic and drop the BD number in half which probably more acurately portrays the real number of PS3 owners who use their PS3 as a BD player. then you only see 3.45 mil sales for XMAS which then gives BD 6.05 for the year to HD-DVDs 2.6. Notice anything about these numbers? They are surprisingly close to how BD and HD-DVD has been running all year.

How about we just double BD's numbers for the 3rd quarter - 1 mil which then gives us 2 mil plus YTD 2.6 which equals 4.6 to HD-DVDs 2.6. Damm, these numbers come out exactly how BD and HD-DVD have been running this year!

Whose math do you think represents the real world more closely?
2.6 mil for BD. 1.4 mill for HD-DVD. Lets just double HD-DVD 3rd quarter which was 605,000 sales and ad 1,210,000 to HD-DVDs numbers and you come up with 2.6 mill for the year.

Now lets use your 2.3 mil and each BD owner only buys 1 BD a month going into XMAS. That is 2.3 x 3 months = 6.9 mil sales added to the 2.6 mill gives us 9.1 mil BD sales to 2.6 mil HD-DVD sales! Man, if I use your math teamericson BD is going to absolutely slaughter HD-DVD this XMAS!!
You somewhat correctly tried to predict sales for HD DVD but you went crazy with BD. Why not just double BD sales in the 3rd quarter like you did for HD DVD? No matter how you try and spin it HD DVD sells more discs per player. That is a fact!
Really? I guess I'm the only PS3 owner that owns a HDTV out of the thousands of PS3 owners in the USA. I am not a gamer either:rolleyes:
And to claim every HDDVD owner has a HDTV?:eek: That is quite a thought, but I wonder if it's true?
By the way, what model HDTV do you own?

I think his point was that the PS3 will function just fine without a HD TV. I am sure many are being bought for kids who most likely don't have a HD TV. For someone to buy a HD DVD player, you can be almost certain that they would have a HD TV to play the movies on. No reason to buy it if you don't.
I think his point was that the PS3 will function just fine without a HD TV. I am sure many are being bought for kids who most likely don't have a HD TV. For someone to buy a HD DVD player, you can be almost certain that they would have a HD TV to play the movies on. No reason to buy it if you don't.

While generally true there are a TON of idiots out there!
Really? I guess I'm the only PS3 owner that owns a HDTV out of the thousands of PS3 owners in the USA. I am not a gamer either:rolleyes:
Then why did you by a GAME MACHINE?
And to claim every HDDVD owner has a HDTV?:eek: That is quite a thought, but I wonder if it's true?
Of course it is. Why would anybody buy an HD playback device if they had nothing to display it with? :confused:
Then why did you by a GAME MACHINE?
Of course it is. Why would anybody buy an HD playback device if they had nothing to display it with? :confused:

I didn't say my son wasn't a gamer, so you see the PS3 is more than just a dvd player:D
To answer your second question, refer to Digital Dude's post just prior to yours:up
Then why did you by a GAME MACHINE?
Of course it is. Why would anybody buy an HD playback device if they had nothing to display it with? :confused:

Common misconception of people who hate the PS3/BD/Sony or just dont know anything about it.

I would not call the PS3 a "game machine" because it does much more. Thats the reason I bought it, its seen one game in 4 mo's.

I WILL be buying the next Gran Turismo though.
I think his point was that the PS3 will function just fine without a HD TV. I am sure many are being bought for kids who most likely don't have a HD TV. For someone to buy a HD DVD player, you can be almost certain that they would have a HD TV to play the movies on. No reason to buy it if you don't.

And for what it's worth, the PS3 functions just fine connected to a native 1080P set. And quite possibly, If the parents can afford that " expensive gaming machine", then "you can be almost certain that they would have a HD TV to play the movies on". No reason to buy it if you don't.:D
Huh, imagine, why go buy a separate gaming machine and a separate HD player when I can spend less money and buy a PS3 that has both:eureka! Brilliant!
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While generally true there are a TON of idiots out there!

While the thought of a PS3, HD-DVD player or even a 360 hooked up to an SD TV sickens me, you are probably right.

I'm like most of you, I can't even stand it when my in-laws watch stuff on the SD version of a channel they have in HD, or buy full-screen DVD's to watch on their plasma because they don't understand or like the black bars.... CAN'T YOU TELL THE PICTURE LOOKS TERRIBLE!?!?

Just thinking about how my PS3 looked when I first hooked it up and hadn't changed the default resolution setting (480i) is almost enough to make me want to cry - how many people never figure out that they have to change that setting, even though they do have a TV to do it....? Oh, the humanity!