HD-DVD PLAYER $98.87!! at WalMart

Make sure you power off your unit after turning the two things to On and pressing confirm. I had this problem but luckily when I searched AVS had an article on how people were forgetting to power down and back on their system. For some reason the changes aren't truely saved until you power off and back on. I did this and updated in about a half hour.

Cool, thanks duckydan, will try when i get out of work ( in 8 frigin hours)
In the player's setup, go to Ethernet settings:

- DHCP: Set to ON
- DNS: Set to ON
- Confirm: With "Confirm" button highlighted, press the Remote's OK button

Player will take 10-30 seconds, then you should see numbers in the IP Adresss box similar to: 192.168.XXX.XXX
The subnet box should be

Toggle down to the OK button, then press OK on the remote.

This should work for most home internet connections. You also need to set the Network Speed, in the Ethernet menu bar. By default, it's set to dial-up speed, 56k (Dumb!). If unsure of your connection speed but you have cable or DSL, set to 1MB.

still cant get my ethernet to work, went into my router and checked status on things and it is showing the dvd player under attached devices but it doesnt have a name under it. Also when i go to try and update my dvd player it knows there is a update to be had but for some reason when i go and try to update it says "server cannot be found out"
i dont now hwat else to do
Just give it some time or download and burn a CD on your computer, as others did.
Thousands of new player owners are trying to connect to Toshiba server today. I bet it's overloaded.
right after i posted the last message. I gave it a try by directly plugging the dvd player into my att router and bypassing my netgear. Worked first time around. wonder whats wrong with the setting on my netgear router. of well, at least i got the dvd player upgraded
right after i posted the last message. I gave it a try by directly plugging the dvd player into my att router and bypassing my netgear. Worked first time around. wonder whats wrong with the setting on my netgear router. of well, at least i got the dvd player upgraded

Maybe the port is being blocked? I had the same problem where I was getting "server not found" or some message like that. I just downloaded the image and burnt it to a CD.
yeah, its still irking me though, i may have to type in the addresses manually. Ill figure it out cause i want it constantly connected.
using a Lynksys wireless router, and homeplugs. all the lights on the router and homeplug devices are are lit up as should be according to manual. two greens on the homeplug connected to the router. two greens and the blue on the one the A2 is connected to. the eatherner green goes out when i unplug the A2 from the homeplug so i know it sees the connection. A2 doesn't show up on my devices. no fields are populated with DHCP and DNS set to on. when i had the A2 connected dirrectly to the dsl moden, it worked fine. help please

EDIT: OK. I am a DUMB A$$. Screwed around with this for an hour. Ok stupid, unplug the homepluge to the router from the, what I thought was a cheapo power strip, and plug the damn thing straight to the power outlet. Well, what do you know. Now I have have all three lights on both, like I should have from the beginning. Router sees the device (says it is another computer, is that right?) all the fields are now populated in the eathernet settins on the player, ran update and said no update needed, not cannot find the server. Did have to reboot the player after changing the router homeplug position. If I would have had Cyclones posts in front of me, it would have saved me alot of trouble. Hope this helps out someone else. Cyclone.......you da man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Couldn't make it to Walmart (Lawrence, KS) on Friday... I went in on Saturday evening, no A2's to be found. On a whim, I called them today around 4pm (Sunday). They guy in electronics said they had 9 left! Bought it, along with Goodfellas and King Kong. I'm very impressed with the PQ on Goodfellas... still waiting to install the firmware in order to watch King Kong (gonna have to wait until tomorrow to burn it to a CD-R, I'm all out of blank discs/couldn't get the player to connect via ethernet).

Overall, I'm very excited to get this deal. Now, on to expanding my new HD-DVD library. :)
I went to my Wal Mart and got mine as well and loved the $ 98.00 price. Later went to CC to see there slection on HD movies and got the Bourne Identity then why we were there CC had a HD DVD display with a little mail offer to receive 5 free HD DVD titles by mail and it was for all Toshiba models, Tob. HD DVD computer and Xbox 360 HD DVD player.
I saw one left behind the counter... did not ask if the price was still $98.87... they were busy ;)

Same here there were 3 behind the counter along with 2 of the bargin laptops. Got 1, looks like employees were saving some to buy after shift was over, manager was not to happy seeing them hidden behind counter and put them on the display again. I wish i could see the faces of thoses employees when they come to get there stuff :p
Well we missed out, so if any member bought more than one and would like o sell it, please send me a PM. I will play the aprox $107 plus shipping. Profiteers need not PM. Thanks!

What are the differences between the A2 vs the A3? I see a few stores with Black Friday ads for the A3 @ $169

No HD DVD Players on Walmart Site

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